
September 2024


For decades, Chinese workers have wrapped up their working lives at relatively young ages: 60 for men and as early as 50 for women.

But all that is about to change as the Chinese government passed new legislation on Friday laying out a plan to delay the retirement age over the course of 15 years, starting January 1, according to state news agency Xinhua.

Existing rules stated that men in urban areas could retire at 60 and receive their pensions, and women at 50 or 55, depending on their occupation. The new rules gradually push back the age to 63 for men, and to 55 and 58, respectively, for women.

The measures, which were approved by the country’s top lawmaking body following signaling from a key Communist Party body in July, also lay out plans to extend the minimum working period for employees to receive a monthly pension from 15 to 20 years, with changes starting from 2030.

They also include some flexibility in retirement age, especially for those who have already completed the minimum working period.

The change, which the government has been considering for about a decade, comes as China’s economy slows while Beijing grapples with the looming consequences of a rapidly aging population and a pension funding crisis.

The announcement sparked immediate widespread discussion – and backlash – across Chinese social media.

Some social media users appeared encouraged that the changes weren’t more drastic and included some flexibility. One comment on the X-like social media platform Weibo that garnered thousands of likes said: “As long as there are options to retire or not based on our will, I have no objections.”

Others voiced discontent over the prospect of delayed access to their pension and years of extra work, as well as concern about whether the policy would strain China’s already tough job market, where unemployment levels among young people remain stubbornly high.

“Delayed retirements just means you can’t get your pension until you hit 63, but it doesn’t mean everyone will have a job until then!” wrote one user.

Chinese state media in recent days has hailed the anticipated changes as an urgent and necessary reform for an outmoded system, highlighting how the existing policy had been in place since the 1950s when life expectancies and education levels were both lower.

“The current retirement policy framework has remained unchanged for 73 years. Especially since the reform and opening up (starting around 1978), the demographic, economic and social landscape has transformed dramatically,” demographer Yuan Xin was quoted by state media as saying earlier this week.

The existing retirement age is seriously mismatched with the current “national realities” and the new normal of future economic and social development, said Yuan, who is deputy head of the China Population Association and a demographer at Nankai University in Tianjin.

China’s existing retirement ages are lower than those in a number of major economies. The 2022 average standard retirement ages across Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries stood at 63.6 years old for women and 64.4 years old for men.

Other countries have also grappled with how to manage the retirement age. Major protests erupted in France in 2023 in response to a government attempt to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. The US has also been debating retirement reform and gradually increasing the retirement age, with Social Security incentives in place for retirees who delay taking benefits until age 70.

Demographic and economic challenges

The changes come as China’s leadership has become increasingly concerned by the country’s demographic challenges, which some economists warn could see the still-developing country fall into the trap of “getting old before it gets rich.”

China’s population has shrunk for the past two years, and it 2023 it recorded its lowest birth rate since the founding of Communist China in 1949, despite a reversal of the country’s long-standing “one-child policy” from 2016 and government-led efforts to incentivize more young couples to have children.

China’s elderly now account for more than 20% of the population, according to a report earlier this month from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which said about 297 million were aged 60 and above by the end of last year.

Demographers cited in state media have said that, between 2030 and 2035, the elderly population will make up 30% of the total population. That is likely to increase to more than 40% of the population by the middle of this century – making China a “super-aged society.”

Those projections have seen the government ramping up efforts to expand elderly care services and boost private-sector efforts to build a “silver economy.”

It’s also put heightened focus on the ability of the country’s pension system to handle a shrinking workforce alongside its burgeoning elderly population.

A 2019 report from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a top government think tank, forecast that China’s state pension fund would run dry by 2035 because of its dwindling workforce. Years of strict pandemic-related restrictions, which have shrunk the coffers of local governments, could make the pension shortfall even more pronounced.

Early last year, thousands of elderly people protested in several major cities against big cuts to their medical benefits payments, fearing that local governments were dipping into their individual accounts to cover the shortages in the state pension fund.

Even for those of working age, employment remains a steep challenge following the pandemic and a raft of government-led industry crackdowns in recent years. In July, the youth unemployment rate hit 17.1% among those aged between 16 and 24 who are not students, and was 6.5% for those 25 to 29 that month, according to state media.

Employers continue to pull back on hiring as the economy slows and people, especially in tech sectors, have widely noted age discrimination in hiring for those over 35.

The new regulations also call on the state to “support young people’s employment and entrepreneurship, strengthen the development of employment positions for older workers … and strengthen the prevention and governance of employment age discrimination.”

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Bitcoin and Ethereum: Positive Week for Bitcoin Price

  • This week, Bitcoin’s price is facing resistance in the $58500 zone
  • Ethereum’s price continued to show a slight recovery despite resistance at the EMA 200 moving average

Bitcoin chart analysis

This week, Bitcoin’s price is facing resistance in the $58500 zone. Weak momentum to move above triggers a bearish consolidation below the $58,000 level. A new daily low was created at $57750, and for now, we are successfully maintaining above that level. Additional support could be found in the EMA50 moving average, which is below today’s low. If the current bearish momentum continues, Bitcoin should move below the moving average to the bearish side.

Potential lower targets are the $57500 and $57000 levels. For a bullish option, the price of Bitcoin would have to return above the daily open price to the positive side. This moves us above $58,200, and we are getting closer to testing the weekly resistance zone. This time, we need a break above and a jump to a new weekly high. Potential higher targets are the $59,000 and $59,500 levels.


Ethereum chart analysis

Ethereum’s price continued to show a slight recovery despite resistance at the EMA 200 moving average. On Thursday, we saw a higher low formation compared to the day before, which is positive for the price. From there, Ethereum started a new bullish consolidation up to the $2372 level. There, we were again under pressure from the EMA 200, which pulled us back down to the bearish side. The price is currently at $2340 at the daily low.

Now, it is important to hold above yesterday’s low to stay on the bullish side. If a break occurs below, we will form a new low, thereby confirming the bearish momentum’s strengthening. Potential lower targets are the $2275 and $2250 levels. By retreating to these levels, we will drop below the weekly open price and thereby only confirm a deeper retreat of Ethereum.


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Oil and Natural Gas: Oil remains under pressure below $70.00

  • The oil price rose to $69.77 on Thursday, a new weekly high
  • This week’s strong bullish consolidation pushed the price of natural gas to the $2.55 level on Thursday

Oil chart analysis

The oil price rose to $69.77 on Thursday, a new weekly high. Shortly after its formation, the price lost its previous momentum and stopped further growth. During this morning’s Asian session, the movement took place in the $69.15-$69.50 range. We are in the EMA 200 moving average zone, which could be a problem for us to continue to the bullish side. It is successful that we stay above the daily open price, giving us hope that oil could still be above the EMA 200 and the $69.50 level.

Potential higher targets are the $70.00 and $70.50 levels. For a bearish option, we need a pullback below the daily open price of $69.14. With that step, we descend to a new daily low and strengthen the bearish momentum. After that, oil should begin to retreat further. Potential lower targets are $68.50 and $68.00. A big test for the price is the weekly open level in the $68.00 zone.


Natural gas chart analysis

This week’s strong bullish consolidation pushed the price of natural gas to the $2.55 level on Thursday. After forming a new high, the price retreated slightly to the $2.52 support level. During this morning’s Asian trading session, we saw the re-formation of a bullish consolidation and price recovery to $2.55. We expect to see a further advance to the bullish side and form a new weekly high.

Potential higher targets are the $2.56 and $2.58 levels. For a bearish option, we need a drop below the daily open price. With the formation of a new daily low, we can expect greater pressure on the price of natural gas to seek new lower support. Potential lower targets are the $2.52 and $2.50 levels. The first major support is in the $2.48 zone in the EMA 50 moving average.


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Gold and Silver: Gold is shining at a new all-time high

  • The price of gold climbed to a new all-time high this morning at the $2571 level
  • During this morning’s Asian session, the price of silver continued yesterday’s bullish consolidation

Gold chart analysis

The price of gold climbed to a new all-time high this morning at the $2571 level. Yesterday, we had a strong bullish consolidation, which started at $2510. With only a couple of impulses, we quickly jumped past the previous high at $2531 and continued to conquer higher levels. During this morning’s Asian trading session, gold managed to hold high above the $2560 level. Everything indicates that we expect a continuation to the bullish side and a move to a new high.

Potential higher targets are the $2575 and $2580 levels. If the price starts to lose its current momentum, it will have to initiate a pullback. With the drop below the daily open level of $2558, gold moves to the bearish side and thus confirms the strengthening of the bearish momentum. Potential lower targets are the $2555 and $2550 levels.


Silver chart analysis

During this morning’s Asian session, the price of silver continued yesterday’s bullish consolidation. We managed to get back above the $30.00 level again and form the September high at $30.15. The price is under a strong bullish surge, and we expect a continuation of the bullish side and the formation of a new high. We are very close to reaching the August high of $30.18.

Potential higher targets are $30.20 and $30.40 levels. We need a new negative consolidation and a drop below the daily open price of $29.86 for a bearish option. Below that, silver will form a daily low and lose its previous bullish momentum. After that, it remains to watch the price pull back and test the lower levels. Potential lower targets are $29.60 and $29.40 levels.


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EURUSD and GBPUSD: EURUSD is moving to a new weekly high

  • For the second day in a row, EURUSD has been in stable bullish consolidation
  • On Wednesday, GBPUSD retreated to a new weekly low at 1.30000

EURUSD chart analysis

For the second day in a row, EURUSD has been in stable bullish consolidation. During this morning’s Asian trading session, we saw a recovery above the weekly open price and the 1.11000 level. After we crossed the EMA 200 moving average yesterday, the pair continued to grow and reached today’s high. Now, it is important to stabilize above the weekly open price in order to continue on the bullish side.

Potential higher targets are 1.11200 and 1.11400 levels. For a bearish option, we expect the EURUSD to pull back below the weekly open price to the downside. This step increases the bearish pressure that could push the pair to a new daily low. A return below 1.10700 would take us significantly away from the previous bullish path. Potential lower targets are 1.10400 and 1.10200 levels.


GBPUSD chart analyisis

On Wednesday, GBPUSD retreated to a new weekly low at 1.30000. We can say that Pair did a retest on a very important psychological level. After that, we first saw consolidation in the 1.30400-1.30600 range yesterday. We were able to rally from there and climb above the EMA 50 moving average. The new support added to the bullish momentum, resulting in a jump to 1.31523 at a new weekly high.

Today, we have a problem continuing above that level, and the bearish momentum is intensifying, pulling the GBPUSD back to the daily open price of 1.31250. Pressure is now in that zone and a break below to a new daily low could occur. Potential lower targets are 1.31100 and 1.30800 levels. In the 1.31000 zone, we expect a longer hold and possible support for staying on the bullish side. Potential higher targets are 1.31600 and 1.31800 levels.


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S&P 500 and Nasdaq close to erasing last week’s losses

  • This week is quite bullish after watching the S&P 500 pull back last week
  • This morning, a strong bullish consolidation is pushing the Nasdaq to a weekly high of 19467.1

S&P 500 chart analysis

This week is quite bullish after watching the S&P 500 pull back last week. On Wednesday, we had a short-term pullback to the 5400.0 level. Soon after, we got support down there and initiated a recovery above the EMA 200 and 5500.0. We did not stop there but continued on the bullish side. During this morning’s Asian trading session, the index held above 5590.0. The S&P 500 continued to rise to 5610.0, forming a new weekly high there.

All indicators suggest that the index could continue its bullish growth. Potential higher targets are 5625.0 and 5650.0 levels. The index could drop below the daily open price of 5590.0 if momentum weakens. With that step, it moves to the negative side, where it will be under greater bearish pressure. Potential lower targets are 5575.0 and 5550.0 levels. The EMA 200 moving average is waiting for us in the 5550.0 zone.


Nasdaq chart analysis

This morning, a strong bullish consolidation is pushing the Nasdaq to a weekly high of 19467.1. From Monday to today, the index rose over 6.0%. On Wednesday, it received support from the EMA 50 and EMA 200 moving averages, which only reinforced the bullish scenario. During the Asian trading session, the Nasdaq moved in the 19400.0-19460.0 range. There were no changes in the EU session either, and only in the US session do we expect greater index volatility.

We need momentum above this level to climb to a new weekly high. Potential higher targets are 19500.0 and 19600.0 levels. If, by any chance, we see a drop below the daily open price, it would signal the beginning of a bearish consolidation. After that, the bearish momentum grows, and the Nasdaq index retreats further. Potential lower targets are 19300.0 and 19200.0 levels.


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In this exclusive StockCharts TV video, Joe discusses why he is a bottom-up technical analyst. He explains the difference between top-down and bottom-up analysis and uses this to show the strongest sectors rotating to the upside right now; this approach will help give advance notice of which areas to focus on before they become obvious to the masses. He also discusses market volatility and why it is looking rather concerning. Finally, he goes through the symbol requests that came through this week, including META, TSLA, and more.

This video was originally published on September 11, 2024. Click this link to watch on StockCharts TV.

Archived videos from Joe are available at this link. Send symbol requests to; you can also submit a request in the comments section below the video on YouTube. Symbol Requests can be sent in throughout the week prior to the next show.

It was a massive turnaround day in the market on Wednesday—stocks sold off after the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data was released, but, after a couple of hours, rallied back to make up the losses and continue higher. The broader stock market indexes closed higher. The Nasdaq Composite ($COMPQ), S&P 500 ($SPX), and Dow Jones Industrial Average ($INDU) had a very wide range day, with the Nasdaq ahead of the pack closing higher by 2.17%.

On Wednesday, the Tech sector was the top performer, followed by Consumer Discretionary and Communication Services. The underperforming sectors were Energy, Consumer Staples, and Financials.

FIGURE 1. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11, MARKETCARPET. Tech stocks made a comeback today. Are investors rotating back to mega-cap tech stocks?Image source: For educational purposes.

Financials Pull Back

Financials are losing steam after their big run. Investors were stoked about this sector since interest rate cuts were a possibility. But there has been a sell-off in financial stocks, and yesterday’s largely negative comments from JP Morgan Chase (JPM), Goldman Sachs (GS), and Ally Financial (ALLY) worsened the situation. This spilled over into Wednesday morning’s trading. The Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF) fell to a low of $43.38, but, similar to the broader market indexes, it recovered and closed at $44.28. The sentiment shift isn’t obvious in XLF, but I will watch the chart closely because buying pressure could come back.

FIGURE 2. A PULLBACK IN FINANCIALS. Negative comments from banks hurt the Financial sector, but XLF recovered after a selloff. Will it maintain its uptrend?Chart source: For educational purposes.

Technically, XLF’s chart doesn’t look terrible, but it’s not as great as it once was. XLF almost hit its 50-day simple moving average (SMA), bounced back, and closed at its 21-day EMA. It could continue to be shaky for some time.

The relative strength index (RSI) is at 51.76, but is declining. XLF could go either way here. The positive for the ETF is that interest rates will come down this year, which could boost financial stocks.

Financial stocks aside, could Wednesday’s move confirm a shift toward bullish sentiment?

The Broader Markets

The daily chart of the S&P 500 shows that the index closed above its 21-day EMA and market breadth conditions are improving. The percentage of S&P 500 stocks above their 50-day moving average is at 66.60 and the Advance-Decline Line is maintaining its uptrend.

FIGURE 3: TURNAROUND IN S&P 500. After selling off in the first few hours of the trading day, the S&P 500 recovered all its losses and continued to rise, ending with a strong finish.Chart source: For educational purposes.

The StockCharts Market Factors widget (in your Dashboard data panels) shows that large-cap growth and momentum stocks were up the most today. In yesterday’s post, I discussed the SPDR S&P 500 Growth ETF (SPYG) and would like to revisit the chart.

FIGURE 4. SPYG MADE A SIGNIFICANT UPSIDE MOVE. The ETF still has to break above the upper trendline to confirm an upside move. Momentum is picking up, and an uptrend could resume if it continues.Chart source: For educational purposes.

Wednesday’s significant upward move indicates that sentiment is shifting toward large-cap growth stocks. If the momentum continues, SPGY could break above the upper trendline. The RSI is also trending higher. Right now, the technical picture looks positive for large-cap growth stocks.

Closing Bell

This week, more macroeconomic data, including the Producer Price Index (PPI) and Michigan Consumer Sentiment, will be released. Will they move the needle in the opposite direction? That’s something to watch for in the next couple of days.

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your own personal and financial situation, or without consulting a financial professional.

Atlantic Lithium Limited (AIM: ALL, ASX: A11, OTCQX: ALLIF, “Atlantic Lithium” or the “Company”), the African-focused lithium exploration and development company targeting to deliver Ghana’s first lithium mine, is pleased to announce that Ghana’s Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has granted an environmental permit (“EPA permit”) in respect of the Company’s flagship Ewoyaa Lithium Project (the “Project”).

The grant of the EPA permit serves as the EPA’s approval for the Company’s proposed activities at the Project, as detailed in the Company’s Mine and Process Environment Impact Statement (“EIS”), and, therefore, represents an important landmark in the permitting process for the advancement of the Project.

The final EIS submission incorporated feedback from the EPA, both with regards to the draft EIS (submitted in May 2024) and queries raised by members of the Project’s affected communities in the two public hearings held by the EPA in two of the Project’s local affected communities (Ewoyaa and Krofu) in February and June 2024, respectively. Both public hearings were well-attended and highlighted the exceptionally strong local support for the Project.

Neil Herbert, Atlantic Lithium’s Executive Chairman, commented:

“The grant of the EPA permit marks a major step towards the construction of Ghana’s first lithium mine and follows a collaborative engagement process with the EPA and the residents of Project’s catchment area to ensure their alignment with the Company’s proposed activities at Ewoyaa.

“This approval is a testament to Atlantic Lithium’s commitment to acting as a responsible custodian of the land on which we operate, which we consider to be imperative to the long-term success of the Project. We are delighted to have full backing from the EPA and our local stakeholders. We would like to express our gratitude to the EPA for their direction throughout the permitting process, which has enabled the advancement of the Project at pace.

“We look forward to updating the market on the completion of the remaining steps ahead of us, which will see Ewoyaa achieve shovel-readiness.”

Click here for the full ASX Release

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Exploring for gold is a costly endeavor that often comes with great risks, especially for junior mining companies.

These small-scale companies are faced with the challenge of locating a metal that is extremely rare, and even if they do find it, they need to ensure gold is present in economically viable quantities.

That’s where the use of satellite imagery and remote sensing comes in. Using satellite systems helps explorers survey land without having to invest heavily in equipment or develop on-site infrastructure.

What was the original Landsat system?

When the first Landsat satellite was launched in 1972, geologists used sensors to collect simple data, such as surface features. They were able to get clues on potential mineral deposits beneath the surface, and could use the data for mapping. However, since then, imaging sensor technology has undergone rapid advancements that have allowed explorers to collect increasingly more useful data.

The very first sensors used on satellites were problematic, mainly because of their poor spectral resolution and inadequate spectral coverage. These limitations rapidly changed in the early 1980s with the launch of Landsat 4 and 5, which carried the Thematic Mapper scanning system. The system added coverage of the short-wave infrared and mid-infrared regions of the spectrum.

The Thematic Mapper scanning system is still used as an exploration tool, but newer satellites have been launched with better spectral resolution and accuracy when determining surface mineralogy.

Satellites are now fitted with hyperspectral sensors that identify materials without having to view them in person. Spectral data is collected by aircraft and satellites using infrared, near-infrared, thermal-infrared and short-wave technology. Geologists can use this data to pick out rock units and find clues about subsurface deposits of minerals, oil and gas and groundwater.

The technology in satellite systems has advanced to the point where they can be used to identify and map not only individual mineral species, but also chemical variations within the molecular structure of the crystal lattice of the mineral.

The resolution of sensors on satellites can’t be compared to aircraft spectral remote sensors, but these satellites do come with other advantages. For example, satellite systems are able to collect more data from larger areas without having to fly any aircraft over the land of interest.

What are the benefits of satellite imagery in mineral exploration?

With the ability to determine texture and type from miles above the ground, locating, analyzing, identifying and mapping the composition of the Earth’s surface is now greatly advanced. Here are a few benefits of using satellite imagery in mineral exploration.

Lower costs and risks

Satellite imagery helps reduce the cost of surveying land due to the fact that on-site personnel and equipment aren’t needed. Explorers can instead use a number of data sources to draw valuable insights for potential projects. This is especially helpful for juniors that have to justify risks to gather financing or begin operations.

Value across the lifecycle

Geospatial data is critical to mineral exploration, but it can also be applied to all phases of the mining lifecycle. Satellite images can be used to inform activities like building mine infrastructure or anticipating risks that are linked to a site’s geography. The relatively low cost and high utility of satellite imagery makes it a versatile technology for explorers.

Data abundance

The advancement of sensor technologies has allowed companies to combine valuable satellite data with other information sources like drone mapping, feasibility studies and historical data about geographical sites.

Satellite imagery also helps gather data that otherwise wouldn’t be attainable due to challenges in topography or climate. Diversifying information sources and increasing the sheer amount of available data means miners and scientists can gather new insights through their analysis.

Satellite imagery certainly isn’t the only tool available to explorers, but it serves as an excellent complement to more accurate and resource-intensive technologies like LiDAR, GPS surveying and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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