
September 12, 2024


A runaway penguin has been found safe in Japan nearly two weeks after she first went missing, having paddled 45 kilometers (28 miles) during a typhoon in a survival story her keeper called “miraculous.”

While taking a dip in the ocean to avoid heatstroke, Pen suddenly became agitated and swam through a hole in her enclosure out into open waters. Her escape left Imai wracked with worry and guilt.

African penguins can swim up to 40 kilometers (25 miles) a day, he said, but in captivity, their muscle mass decreases. Pen had never swum in the sea before visiting that beach.

A lucky break would keep Pen safe.

A powerful typhoon called Shanshan brought high winds and torrential rain to the country at the end of August, killing at least six people, displacing millions, knocking out power and disrupting air travel.

But, amid the destruction, the typhoon was a boon for little Pen, Imai said. With no boats able to operate, Pen avoided collisions and getting caught in fishing nets. The record rainfall provided a reliable source of hydration and cooling.

“She survived because of the typhoon,” Imai said. “It was almost miraculous timing.”

Because of the typhoon, Gekidan Penters wasn’t initially able to send out rescue boats to search for Pen, so it was even more surprising when on Sunday someone spotted her swimming near a beach about 8 miles from where she first went missing. It was just 10 minutes from the facility where she usually lives.

“When we first received the report, I couldn’t believe there was really a penguin,” Imai said. “It was a huge relief.”

Pen had no injuries and was in good physical shape.

She also passed “substantial droppings,” Imai said, which means she must’ve found something to snack on during her journey – likely fish or crab, her keeper guessed, though Pen had never eaten live fish before.

He added, “it’s nothing short of a miracle.”

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For decades, life choices were bleak for many in El Salvador: Leave or die. Dubbed the “murder capital of the world,” there was an average of a homicide an hour in early 2016, in this country of just 6 million people — two million fewer than call New York City home. Gang warfare drove an exodus of Salvadorans, mostly north to the US. But now, the security situation is so different that people are returning, even after building good new lives over decades in the US.

Deported, and now grateful

When Victor Bolaños and his wife, Blanca, lost their asylum case in a US immigration court, their ‘American dream’ came crashing down. When they agreed to accept a voluntary departure order, the couple knew they had to leave behind the life they had been building for over 15 years in Denver and return to their native El Salvador and the conditions that had made them flee.

“We came back 6 years ago, and everything was unsafe,” Victor recalls, seated in the modest home the couple now shares in the capital, San Salvador. At 65, his voice carries the weight of what they faced upon their return in 2018. “When we came back the situation seemed difficult because of the insecurity, lots of robberies, lots of gangs.”

But a couple of years after their return, something unexpected happened. The relentless daily violence eased, and streets began to calm. The suffocating fear that had defined daily life started to fade.

El Salvador, once synonymous with violence and waves of emigration, saw a dramatic drop in crime. For many citizens, this shift offered more than just safety — it offered much needed hope. The world, too, took notice. Suddenly, the small Central American nation seemed to be reinventing itself under Bukele, who was elected President in 2019 at the age of 37. When his New Ideas party later took control of Congress, it was easier for rules to be bent or broken. Bukele won re-election, even though the country’s constitution had barred anyone standing for a second term. A “temporary” state of emergency granting authoritarian powers of detention is now more than two years old. Human Rights Watch says that even children are being caught up in “severe human rights violations.”

Yet in San Salvador, Blanca sits in her living room, carefully crafting handmade jewelry. “Now, one feels safe, freedom is felt in our country,” she says.

She and her husband, Victor, say the improved security has allowed them to start a small jewelry business from their home, something that once seemed impossible. “Now you can have a business, if you look, there are entrepreneurs everywhere in the country,” Blanca says, reflecting on how, not long ago, gang extortion would have crippled any such venture.

For decades, people from Central America, particularly from the Northern Triangle of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, have fled violence and insecurity, seeking protection and opportunity in the US. But new data from US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals a surprising trend — fewer Salvadorans are now heading north.

In 2022, CBP recorded more than 97,000 encounters with Salvadoran citizens at the Southern Border. By 2023, that number fell to just over 61,000, and 2024 is on track for an additional decline compared to 2023.

While these numbers may appear promising, the root causes of migration remain complex.  Many Salvadorans still leave their country due to economic hardship and lack of opportunity. Although El Salvador’s economy has shown slow, steady growth since Bukele took office, according to the World Bank, the nation still struggles to provide sufficient opportunities for its citizens.

Leaving Houston to build a beach resort

For the past 27 years, Diego Morales has built a life far from home. The 48-year-old real estate investor, husband, and father of three left El Salvador in 1997, chasing the safety, stability, and opportunity that the US had to offer. The idea of returning had never crossed his mind — until the grim stories of violence that had haunted his homeland for so many years were replaced by tales of newfound safety.

Diego’s childhood was marred by a constant sense of danger.  “I’d wake up, go to school and find dead people on the street,” he recalls, his voice bearing the burden of the painful memories as he sits inside his well-kept, suburban Houston home.

But today, El Salvador is no longer the country he fled. “Now it’s safe and many people are going back,” Diego says, his words a reflection of the optimism spreading among Salvadorans and others abroad.

The country’s reputation has dramatically shifted. Once known for violence, El Salvador is now attracting waves of investors. “Many people, even Americans … we have friends from Florida, from Austin, from Hawaii, looking to buy (property),” he says, a sign of just how far the nation has come.

Diego himself is preparing for a return to the land he once left behind. He has already invested in Tamanique, his hometown about an hour’s drive from the capital, where he built a beach resort that he now runs remotely.

Along the Salvadoran coastline, you can find beach towns like El Tunco, El Zonte, and La Libertad buzzing with new construction, capturing the attention of tourists and real estate developers eager to capitalize on the country’s rebirth. Cliffs that were once gang lookouts are now being considered scenic locations for hotels.

“As soon as President Bukele brought security to this country, everything went up (in value),” Diego says, adding that land that cost around $100,000 five years ago is now going for ten times that price.

And the Salvadoran dream is not just his — his 23-year-old son, Jairo, a natural-born US citizen also plans to follow in his father’s footsteps. “We’ve had conversations… it’s already starting,” Jairo says, his eyes lit with the promise of returning to his roots.

El Salvador’s government is courting those who left with a program of tax exemptions on belongings and vehicles for citizens who return home. Since 2022, nearly 19,000 Salvadorans have moved back under this initiative, according to government figures.

‘No mercy’ for gang members

A decade or so ago gangs like MS-13 and Barrio 18 terrorized communities, extorting businesses and waging brutal turf wars over control of neighborhoods, and El Salvador was the most violent nation in the Western Hemisphere, according to InSight Crime.

But something extraordinary has happened since then. By 2022, the number of murders began to drop dramatically, and the next year there were 154 homicides — a staggering 97.7% decrease compared to 2015, according to government figures. Bukele even tweeted that his country’s homicide rate was the lowest in all the Americas.

The sharp decline followed Bukele bringing in emergency measures giving police the power to detain suspects without charges for up to 15 days and deploying the military across the nation. The new rules, which are still in effect, allowed an unprecedented crackdown on gang activity, with more than 80,000 people detained since the state of emergency began in March 2022.

Central to this effort is the newly constructed “Terrorist Confinement Center,” or Cecot, a massive prison complex with the capacity to hold up to 40,000 inmates. The maximum-security prison currently holds 14,000 gang members — all accused of having murdered at least one person. Images from Cecot show tattooed men with their heads shaved in a warehouse-sized concrete room filled with metal bunks, or sitting in tight rows on the ground, wearing nothing but white shorts, their heads bowed and hands behind their backs. And, according to Salvadoran authorities, those sent to Cecot will never be released.

Villatoro’s words echo the brutal reality El Salvador has faced for years. He claims that gang members were required to kill at least one person as part of their initiation into groups like MS-13 or Barrio 18.

“Imagine a serial killer in your state, in your community, being released by a judge, how would you feel as a citizen?” he asks. “We don’t have facts that someone can change the mind of a serial killer, and we have more than 40,000 in El Salvador.”

The government’s hardline approach was not spontaneous; it was meticulously planned. Villatoro and members of Bukele’s cabinet had begun studying the gangs as early as 2017.

“Before you start a war, you have to know your enemy,” he explained.

While the government’s relentless campaign has been praised by many for restoring peace, it has also attracted significant criticism. Human rights groups have accused the Bukele administration of widespread abuses in its battle against the gangs. Villatoro, however, dismisses these claims, asserting that the focus should be on the victims, not the criminals.

“What about the society, the good citizens that you have in the country … Where were (these human rights groups) when we lost 30 Salvadorans in our country a day?” he asks pointedly.

Bukele himself has been unflinching in his rhetoric. In 2022, he famously challenged human rights advocates, telling them to “take” the gang members if they cared so much. “Come pick them up — we’ll give them to you, two for the price of one,” he declared.

The president’s iron-fist approach to security has earned him praise from some US conservatives, who have openly applauded Bukele’s tactics. However, at this year’s Republican National Convention, former US President Donald Trump took an unexpected swipe at Bukele when addressing the country’s newfound safety.

“In El Salvador, murders are down 70 percent. Why are they down? They’re down because they’re sending their murderers to the United States of America,” Trump claimed, offering no evidence to support his statement.

“No,” Villatoro replied. “The problem with that, you (Trump) don’t have facts, you don’t have evidence, but instead, we have evidence of where we put our terrorists,” the minister said, referring to Cecot, the massive prison where thousands of gang members are held

In other detention centers, lower-ranking gang members and other criminals are tasked with fixing what the gangs broke and erasing their presence. Some inmates are sent to rebuild homes while others smash tombstones commemorating underworld leaders.

Jailed ‘for having long hair and tattoos’

In early 2024, Juan Carlos Cornejo found himself swept up in Bukele’s mass arrests after an anonymous call to the police accused him of “illicit association.” Hours later, he was in jail, confused and terrified.

Juan Carlos believes he was targeted simply because of how he looked.

“I was accused of illicit association, but I have nothing to do with that. I like music, rock, so my appearance was different. I had long hair,” he said from his dimly lit, mosquito-ridden home in Santa Ana, a city about 35 miles from the capital. “I have tattoos, but these are artistic expressions,” he said, his frustration palpable.

“There was no investigation, nothing,” he claims.

Juan Carlos was in prison for five long months. Before his detention, he had been working as a veterinary assistant, treating sick or injured pets, and he insists he had never been arrested before.

His release came only after Socorro Jurídico Humanitario (SJH), a group dedicated to providing legal counsel in cases of human rights violations, successfully filed a writ of habeas corpus on his behalf. But Juan Carlos’ story is far from unique. According to SJH, between 33,000 and 35,000 people have been “detained in an arbitrary manner without any justification” since the state of emergency began.

Despite widespread criticism of these tactics, the Bukele government stands firm. Officials argue that these measures — though harsh — are done lawfully and are necessary to secure the country’s future. And they highlight efforts to rehabilitate tens of thousands of inmates convicted of lesser crimes.

Armed soldiers on the streets — and thanked

Critics argue that Salvadorans have traded freedom for security, but the people we met say they have never felt so free. There’s the mother laughing as she takes her skipping toddler to the park, not afraid of getting caught in a gun battle or stumbling over a corpse or having to pay the gang extortion “rent” to simply enter her own neighborhood. There’s the father, no longer worried his son will be recruited by gangs. Unlike in places like Cuba or China, where residents can seem nervous to criticize repressive regimes, in El Salvador the optimism appears real.

Teresa Lilian Gutierrez is caught in the middle, and her experience shows the many complexities of life in El Salvador today.

“Now it’s safe, it’s calm,” she told us on a street in La Campanera, once among the most dangerous neighborhoods in San Salvador. “Before no one would visit, not even family.”

But her son who helped her financially is not able to visit, she said.

“He’s been detained for two years in Mariona (prison). He is not a gang member, he was taken in the state of emergency,” she said, showing pictures of her son working as a cashier in a restaurant.

“I ask the government to get him out, please … I spoke to the lawyer last year because they were going to release him, but she said no, they’re not going to give him to me,” she said.

President Bukele enjoys one of the highest approval ratings in Latin America, a sentiment echoed by the people we meet while with the Salvadoran army touring a once gang-infested area outside San Salvador.

Armored cars and uniformed soldiers are no longer terrifying reasons to run but chances for curious children to ask questions or for supporters to grab a selfie.

“It was so bad before, you couldn’t go anywhere,” one woman says, beaming as she snaps a picture with Defense Minister René Merino, who has become a symbol of the government’s hardline security strategy. A few years ago, no one in this area would have looked members of the police or army in the eye, Merino said, but now it’s all changed. Moments later, another resident steps forward, and thanks the minister and poses for a photo, apologizing for interrupting our interview.  In what feels more like a victory parade  than a law enforcement patrol, we stop dozens of times over the course of a couple hours as residents excitedly relay their gratitude.

But the looming question is: what happens after 2029, when Bukele’s term comes to an end? In a recent interview, the president declared he would not seek a third term, leaving many to wonder about the future.

For some, like Blanca Bolaños, the answer is already clear. “I voted for Nayib this time, and the last, and if he runs again, I will vote for him,” she says with unwavering conviction.

As the country grapples with its transformation, Bukele’s legacy and controversial tactics will be tested. Whether El Salvador’s newfound stability endures or falters, only time will tell. But for now, among those who say their lives have been changed, there is little doubt: they believe in Bukele, and they would follow him again.

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The price of natural gas is rising ahead of the coming storm

  • U.S. natural gas prices rose about 4% on Tuesday as oil and gas producers cut output ahead of a hurricane expected to hit Louisiana on Wednesday

Natural gas chart analysis

U.S. natural gas prices rose about 4% on Tuesday as oil and gas producers cut output ahead of a hurricane expected to hit Louisiana on Wednesday. The price formed a new weekly high at the $2.42 level. During this morning’s Asian trading session, the movement took place around the $2.40 level. The bullish sentiment still prevails on the chart, based on which we expect to see further growth and the formation of a new weekly high.

Potential higher targets are $2.44 and $2.46 levels. For a bearish scenario, the price would have to pull back below the $2.40 daily open price first. Thus, we move to the bearish side and expect the formation of a new daily low. The first support is at $2.38 in the EMA 50 moving average. The inability to sustain natural gas there will lead to further withdrawals.


For the third week in a row, the price is in a bullish trend and above the EMA 200 moving average

Lower potential targets are the $2.36 and $2.34 levels. A bit further down in the $2.32 zone, we will test yesterday’s low and the EMA 200 moving average. This moving average, a steadfast support since the beginning of September, continues to bolster our confidence.

Finance company LSEG reported that gas production in the lower 48 US states averaged 102.2 billion cubic feet per day in September, a slight decrease from 103.2 in August. On a daily basis, production is expected to dip by 2.9  to a preliminary 16-week low of 99.9 bcfd on Tuesday. However, all eyes are on the impending storm that could potentially disrupt both supply and demand for natural gas, necessitating heightened vigilance and preparedness.


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What to Know Before Selling or Buying Sunpower Stock

SPWR stock news has recently gained attention due to its fluctuations. For investors interested in SPWR, we provide stock forecasts and an overview of the latest news.

SunPower Corporation, a provider of solar energy solutions in the US and Canada, offers modular systems for residential use and maintenance services. Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Richmond, California, it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on August 5, 2024, as a subsidiary of TotalEnergies SE.

SunPower stock price previously closed at $0.0800 and opened at the same price today. Throughout the day, it remained steady, trading within the same range of $0.0800.

Over the past 52 weeks, SunPower’s stock has seen significant variation, with a low of $0.0800 and a high of $6.8010.

Today’s trading volume was 200 shares, which is lower than the average of 355 shares. Currently, market cap and beta information are unavailable. These figures highlight minimal trading activity and a history of substantial volatility for the stock.

SPWRQ/USD 5-Day Chart

SPWR Stock Forecast

The SPWR stock prediction shows analysts projecting an average price of $3.01 for SunPower over the next year, indicating a 20.40% upside potential for SPWR. Based on these projections, SPWR is currently classified as a Hold according to its technical indicators.

SPWR Stock Price Analysis

A 70% fall in SunPower’s shares has seen the company’s stock drop below a dollar after announcing that operational crippling was imminent and a halt of lease and electricity purchasing contracts.

As of January one, two thousand and twenty four, the company has lost eighty-five percent of its stocks value. SunPower’s announcement to cease offering for sale its long term agreements and installation works has made analysts project its liquidation owing to heavy debts.

The US residential solar market is grappling with rising interest rates, stricter regulations, and a 20% decline in installations in 2024. SunPower has struggled to manage the effects of these high interest rates. In December 2023, the company defaulted on credit repayments and faced additional challenges in maintaining its business operations.

By April 2024, SunPower disclosed its intention to close numerous installation services centers throughout the country and cut about 26% of its personnel.

Until late 2021, TotalEnergies was a 60% stakeholder in SunPower, but it has recently cut its shareholding to 32.5%. The French company has yet to issue any formal statements in relation to the developments.

Maxeon-SunPower officially announced the closure of its last solar panel factory in Europe located in Porcelette (Moselle) with a 3600m2 capacity in October 2022 citing that the facility was more than undersized.

What to Know Before Selling or Buying Sunpower Stock?

Should you buy Sunpower stock? Let’s first take a few moments to take a closer look at the Sunpower company. By having a good knowledge of this group and its activities, you will be able to analyse its challenges and its long-term growth opportunities on the stock market more easily.

The Sunpower Corp group is a company specialising in the energy sector on a global level. This company provides solar solutions to residential and commercial customers and power plants.

The Sunpower company is made up of several upstream and downstream segments with SunPower Energy Services downstream and Sunpower technologies upstream.

SunPower Energy Services handles the sale of solar energy solutions in North America. This includes direct sales of engineering, procurement, and turnkey construction services. It also manages sales to third-party resellers and sells energy through power purchase agreements. Additionally, it offers storage solutions, spot sales, long-term leases, and sales to resellers.

Sunpower Technologies is responsible for technology development, global solar panel manufacturing operations, equipment supply to resellers, commercial and residential end customers outside of North America and development and sales of power plant projects worldwide.

Currently, the Sunpower business employs 8,400 people worldwide.

SunPower Main Competitors

Let’s now take a look at Sunpower’s direct competitors, focusing on the three largest players in the global photovoltaic panel sector:

Jinko, a Chinese company, is one of the leaders in the photovoltaic sector globally, with two production sites in China. It operates worldwide through a network of sales and marketing offices.

Another serious competitor of Sunpower is the company Solarworld. This German company that has been in the photovoltaic panel sector since 2003. Solarworld operates throughout the entire photovoltaic panel manufacturing chain, from raw materials to installation, including the manufacture of wafers, cells, and panels. This group is also present worldwide.

SMA Solar Technology, another German company, is also worth following as part of your study of the competition in this sector. SMA Solar Technology is a manufacturer of inverters for photovoltaic installations designed to inject current into the grid. It also produces autonomous and backup systems. It is currently the world leader in this segment in terms of turnover.

SPWR Stock, Buy or Sell?

Investing in SunPower stock can be unfavorable owing to the recent problems that the company has gone through. The stock suffered a deep cut dropping below 1 dollar after operational shutdown announcements and severance of long-termed agreements.

Starting from January of the year 2024, the shares of SunPower lost almost 85% of elimination due to the increase of interest rates, regulatory compliance barriers, and the intense reduction of the US residential solar market.

Positive business news is some drawbacks setting around 20.40%. But it is prudent to remain this way as the company is still suffering with uncontrolled finance and possible cutbacks. Investment in the company should be done with careful consideration of the risk factors involved, especially since there has been no positive indication from SunPower on its business status.

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Hanes Faces Challenges: HBI Stock Forecast and Market Outlook

As times get tough in the innerwear and activewear market, the HBI stock price is undergoing changes. Listed under the ticker HBI in the Consumer Discretionary sector, Hanesbrands Inc. has a market capitalisation of 2.24 billion, classifying it as a mid-cap stock. If you’re considering purchasing shares, you’ll need a securities account, either through your bank or with a specialised broker. Before making your investment decision, it’s important to review the current HBI stock price, its forecast, and the latest news.

HBI Stock Price Today

Hanesbrands Inc. stock is trading at $5.96 at the last close. The company’s stock price has fluctuated between a low of $3.54 and a high of $6.77 over the past 52 weeks. 

Hanesbrands Inc. has paid dividends consistently for the past nine years. However, there has been no recent announcement regarding the next dividend release, and the company is not currently paying any dividends.

The company decided to eliminate its dividend completely, which will free up cash and reduce debt. For long-term financial health, eliminating dividend is the right choice. Hanesbrands needs all the cash it can get its hands on to bring its debt levels and interest payments down.

The company experienced a 16% sales decline in Q4 due to reduced consumer spending and retailer inventory cuts. 

All segments suffered, with underwear down 19% and activewear down 16%. Operating margins went down because sales were lower and costs were higher. This led to a big net loss. However, adjusted earnings per share were $0.07. 

The company anticipates continued weak demand in 2023, projecting lower full-year sales and profits compared to 2022.

HBI’s price prediction target is set at $5.14. The highest price target for HBI stock is $6.40. The lowest would be at $5.00. 

HBI/USD 5-Day Chart

Key Facts to Remember About Hanes Stock

The current market scenario for underwear is challenging; however, as is typical for this category, the demand for replenishing products is expected to rise as consumers seek to replace worn items. 

Hanes has established a slight competitive advantage through its strong brand equity, reflected in a 60% market share in various regions. 

HanesBrands has also prioritised a premium market stance by purchasing Champion, but the most significant growth potential may lie in enhancing the efficiency of its primary loungewear division.

How do you get competitive in the basic underwear sector? That’s the question HanesBrands investors are asking as their “replenishment” apparel faces more gimmicky private label offerings.

Investors may sell as competition heats up. But experts remind that while the threat of private label apparel is often a risk to HanesBrands, it’s not new and shouldn’t affect the company’s competitiveness.

Will Hanes Remain the King of Underwear?

To boost growth, HanesBrands bought Champion introducing premium items like “X-temp” underwear. However, inflation and lower demand for clothing may hurt these products. Hanes could get back to basics by maintaining its leadership position in the underwear market, working to improve supply chain efficiency and eventually, people will need to restock their sock drawers.

Champion is a competitor in a growing activewear space, but competition is fierce. The brand is popular in North America and Europe. It has a lot of potential for growth in China and other less explored markets.

Hanesbrands has successfully introduced brand extensions that have allowed it to expand shelf space and increase price points in the typically static core apparel category.

HBI Stock, Buy or Sell?

The company has attracted interest from an activist shareholder. We believe there may be an opportunity to create value through more aggressive cost cutting and other changes.

Hanes has lost market share in the competitive women’s underwear market. The cause could be struggling US department stores.

Also, Hanes sells large quantities of basic clothing at relatively low prices. It may be difficult for the company to pass on any increase in input costs to consumers through higher prices. In addition, consumers may reduce their total spending on clothing for economic reasons.

Despite the challenges, Hanesbrands Inc.’s strong brand presence and strategic focus on premium markets, along with potential improvements in supply chain efficiency, could position the company for a gradual recovery as consumer demand rebounds.

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ApeCoin and Akita Inu: ApeCoin pulls back to EMA 200

  • On Tuesday, the price of ApeCoin rose to 0.893, a new weekly high
  • The Akita Inu price managed to stay positive above the EMA 200 moving average

ApeCoin chart analysis

On Tuesday, the price of ApeCoin rose to 0.893, a new weekly high. After that, the bullish momentum stopped, and the bearish consolidation began below the 0.800 level. The price dropped below the EMA 50 moving average and continued all the way to 0.750. Here, we will try to test the weekly open price to stay on the positive side. A little below around 0.745, we also have the support of the EMA 200 moving average.

If the support is insufficient, we will see further withdrawal of ApeCoin. Potential lower targets are the 0.720 and 0.700 levels. For a bullish option, we need a positive consolidation and price movement above the 0.780 level. There, we get new support at the EMA 50 moving average. After that, the chances of a further continuation to the bullish side increase. Potential higher targets are the 0.800 and 0.820 levels.


Akita Inu chart analysis

The Akita Inu price managed to stay positive above the EMA 200 moving average. During the weekend, the price received support at the 0.0000007000 level and then started a continuation to the bullish side. On Monday, we climbed to 0.00000009000 and formed a weekly high there. Then, the price stopped in that zone and began to retreat. This sent us down to 0.00000007700 and the EMA200 moving average this morning.

Akita Inu finds new support and moves back up above the 0.00000008250 level. In this zone, we meet the EMA 50 moving average, which is currently our upper-side resistance. We need a new impulse to continue on the bullish side. Potential higher targets are the 0.00000008500 and 0.00000009000 levels. The price must return below the EMA200 and thereby confirm that it is under pressure to return on the bearish side. Potential lower targets are the 0.00000007500 and 0.00000007000 levels.


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Dogecoin and Shiba Inu: Doge continues on the positive side

  • On Tuesday, we watched the Dogecoin price return to the 0.09800 level
  • The Shiba Inu price retreated last night to a new weekly low at the 0.00001293 level

Dogecoin chart analysis

On Tuesday, we watched the Dogecoin price return to the 0.09800 level. After a short stay in that zone, a bullish consolidation was initiated, and a return above the EMA 200 moving average and 0.10000. The price continued to rise this morning, forming a new daily high at the 0.10300 level. We also received new support in the EMA50 moving average, and everything indicates that we will see a continuation on the bullish side.

Potential higher targets are the 0.10400 and 0.10500 levels. For the bearish option, we need negative consolidation below the EMA 50 and 0.10100 levels. With that step, Dogecoin retreats below the daily open price and moves to the bearish side. After that, we expect a test of support in the EMA 200 moving average. Potential lower targets are the 0.09800 and 0.09600 levels.


Shiba Inu chart analysis

The Shiba Inu price retreated last night to a new weekly low at the 0.00001293 level. In the next hour, the price rose above the 0.00001300 weekly open price. The return to the positive side strengthens the momentum, and we see the price rise to the 0.00001335 level. With that step, we jumped over the EMA 200 moving average, gaining its support for continued recovery. Shiba Inu took advantage of that this morning and climbed to the 0.00001350 level.

We continued to hold above the EMA 200 and hope for a new impulse to initiate a bullish consolidation. Potential higher targets are the 0.00001360 and 0.00001370 levels. For the bearish option, we need negative consolidation of the Shiba Inu price below the 0.00001320 level. This moves us below the daily open price, thus strengthening the bearish momentum. Potential lower targets are the 0.00001310 and 0.00001300 levels.


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