
September 2, 2024


Polling is a useful tool in politics, if somewhat blunt and slow, and this weekend Democrats were taking no small comfort in an ABC/Ipsos survey showing Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump by 4 points nationally.

But the important thing about this poll is not the margin. After all, Rasmussen has Trump up by 2 points. Nobody knows which is right. What’s important is that on Aug. 13, this same ABC poll also showed Harris up 4. Put another way, Harris’ momentum isn’t just gone, it’s been gone for a while.

I first clearly felt the air escaping the Harris balloon a little more than a fortnight ago, in San Francisco of all places, where one would think she’d be viewed as a hometown hero. But already, from almost everyone I met, there were creeping questions as to what she stands for, what she would do as president.

We have all seen the viral videos, even from the Democratic National Convention, of delegates asked what their favorite Harris policy is, only to stare off into the distance, looking for an answer that isn’t there as if they had been asked to conjugate some word in ancient Greek. 

I have now seen this expression more times than I can count, in red states, in blue states, in suburb, city and small town, even many of those committed to vote for the vice president admit it is kind of like buying a political scratch-off ticket. They aren’t sure what they are going to win.

Now, make no mistake, from the time that Nancy Pelosi shoved President Joe Biden, face first, off of the stage until just before the Democrats gathered in Chicago, the momentum was there, the vibes were real, and Harris’ numbers were going up.

I felt that distinctly, and palpably in the Democrats I spoke to, who had felt a kind of doom and gloom surrounding Grandpa Joe, but vibes are funny things and they tend to run out of steam. In fact, just after Trump survived his assassination attempt, it was Republicans who were convinced that the image of a bloodied and defiant Trump had already won them the election.

But not so fast.

So why did the wheels fall off of Harris’ vibe bus just as the joyride was getting started? There are a few missteps to point to, including her obstinate and bizarre refusal to answer questions or do interviews. 

This is where the slow nature of polling becomes a problem. For two weeks, I were told by the liberal media that Harris didn’t need to do any interviews. She was surging, they promised. But she wasn’t. 

And in that period, almost without fail, every voter I talked to said she needed to start answering questions. Today, it sure looks like the sponge bath she and Gov. Tim Walz received on CNN last week is too little, too late.

The bigger, related problem for Harris is that she simply does not have political chops. A candidate with political chops can do three interviews a day without breaking a sweat, they thrive on the unscripted moment that can be turned to their advantage.

Harris has none of these abilities, and she didn’t have to. Nobody without political chops and top notch instincts can win a competitive presidential primary, because they lose to better candidates, but Harris never had to face any other candidates and that lack of battle testing is showing its ugly head.

As the first orange leaves flutter groundward this week, we find ourselves where we were before Joe Biden’s inability to serve was spelled out in giant neon. This race is a toss up, the electorate is as divided as ever, and we are basically going into the fourth quarter all tied up.

For Donald Trump and JD Vance who have now blunted the short-lived Harris surge, this means more of the same, staying in the public eye as much as possible. You wouldn’t be surprised to see either of them with giant scissors at the grand opening of a Dairy Queen.

Harris and Walz, on the other hand, need a Second Act. Kamala describing how she makes collard greens and Tim eating pork chops on a stick at the state fair isn’t going to cut it. The American voters have questions, a lot of them, but do these untested Democratic candidates have any answers? We will soon find out.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

The United States seized a plane owned by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in the Dominican Republic, Fox News has confirmed. 

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) flew Maduro’s personal plane back to the United States Monday morning, when it landed in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and is now in U.S. custody, a U.S. official told Fox News following an initial report by CNN.

The plane, described by officials as Maduro’s version of ‘Air Force One,’ is used for Maduro’s state visits around the world and was seized in the Dominican Republic after it was purchased through a straw company in violation of sanctions laws and export controls, the official said. U.S. authorities cited a specific violation of U.S. executive order 13884, signed by former President Donald Trump in 2019. 

The plane, valued at $13 million, is a Dassault Falcon 900-EX. The seizure was a result of a joint investigation with HSI and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

‘This morning, the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies,’ U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement. ‘The Department will continue to pursue those who violate our sanctions and export controls to prevent them from using American resources to undermine the national security of the United States.’

‘Let this seizure send a clear message: aircraft illegally acquired from the United States for the benefit of sanctioned Venezuelan officials cannot just fly off into the sunset,’ Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement Matthew Axelrod, of the Department of Commerce, added.  ‘It doesn’t matter how fancy the private jet or how powerful the officials – we will work relentlessly with our partners here and across the globe to identify and return any aircraft illegally smuggled outside of the United States.’

The seizure is expected to further frost relations between the U.S. and Venezuela.

In August 2019, Trump issued Executive Order 13884, which prohibits U.S. persons from engaging in transactions with persons who have acted or purported to act directly or indirectly for or on behalf of, the government of Venezuela, including as a member of the Maduro regime. To protect U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, the Department of Commerce has also imposed export controls for items intended, entirely or in part, for a Venezuelan military or military-intelligence end user, the Justice Department said Monday. 

In late 2022 and early 2023, persons affiliated with Maduro allegedly used a Caribbean-based shell company to conceal their involvement in the illegal purchase of the Dassault Falcon 900EX aircraft, which at the time was valued at approximately $13 million, from a company based in the Southern District of Florida, according to U.S. investigators.

Federal investigators say the aircraft was then illegally exported from the United States to Venezuela through the Caribbean in April 2023. Since May 2023, the Dassault Falcon, bearing tail number T7-ESPRT, ‘has flown almost exclusively to and from a military base in Venezuela and has been used for the benefit of Maduro and his representatives, including to transport Maduro on visits to other countries,’ the DOJ said. 

The Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security Miami Field Office is investigating the case, along with the DHS, HSI El Dorado Task Force Miami. 

Fox News’ David Spunt contributed to this report.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

Israeli President Isaac Herzog eulogized Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin on Monday, apologizing ‘on behalf of the state of Israel’ after Hamas murdered six captives over the weekend.

‘Beloved Hersh, with a torn and broken heart, I stand here today as the President of the State of Israel, bidding you farewell and asking for your forgiveness, from you, and from Carmel, from Eden, from Almog, from Alex, and Ori, and from all your loved ones,’ Herzog said from the lecturn at Golberg-Polin’s funeral in Jerusalem. 

‘I apologize on behalf of the State of Israel, that we failed to protect you in the terrible disaster of October 7, that we failed to bring you home safely,’ Herzog continued. ‘I apologize that the country you immigrated to at the age of 7, wrapped in the Israeli flag, could not keep you safe. Rachel, Jon, dear Libby, and Orly, grandparents, and the whole family – I ask for your forgiveness, forgiveness that we could not bring Hersh back home alive. Your special light, Hersh, captivated all of us from the first glance, even through the posters crying out for his return.’ 

‘Most of us did not have the privilege of knowing you in life, but you have been so alive in us for eleven months now; together with many other brothers and sisters, held captive by cursed, monstrous murderers – since Simchat Torah – which turned into the day of our disaster,’ he said. ‘Know this: We are witnesses, and we will never forget. There is no door in the world on which your beloved family did not knock for you, for your rescue and well-being. There is no stone they left unturned, no prayer or plea they did not cry out – from one end of the world to the other – in the ears of God and man.’

Herzog told mourners that the state of Israel ‘has an urgent and immediate task.’ 

‘Decision-makers must do everything possible, with determination and courage, to save those who can still be saved, and to bring back all our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters,’ he said. ‘This is not a political goal, and it must not become a political dispute. It is a supreme moral, Jewish, and human duty of the State of Israel to its citizens.

‘We did not fulfill this duty. And now – we have a sacred and shared obligation, to stand up and bring them all back to their homeland. For the spirit, resilience, and unity of Israel,’ Herzog added. ‘Of course, we do not forget for a moment our obligation to hold accountable the despicable murderers who butchered you, Hersh, your friends, our sisters, and our brothers. Here too, the mission is clear and binding: To continue fighting relentlessly against the murderous terrorist organization Hamas, which has once again proven that there is no end to its savagery and the crimes against humanity it is willing to commit.’ 

Thousands attended the funeral Monday for Goldberg-Polin, a 23-year-old native of Berkeley, California, according to The Associated Press. He was one of the most well-known hostages, and his parents had led a high-profile campaign for the captives’ release, meeting with President Biden and Pope Francis and addressing the Democratic National Convention last month.

Biden, who had been on vacation for two consecutive weeks, arrived back at the White House from Rehoboth Beach, Delware, on Monday morning. He and Vice President Kamala Harris convened in the Situation Room with a hostage deal negotiating team following the murder of Goldberg-Polin and five other hostages by Hamas on Saturday. 

Goldberg-Polin, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, was seized at a music festival in southern Israel during Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. Israeli forces recovered his body in the tunnels under Rafah, along with Israelis Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and Master Sergeant Ori Danino. Hamas terrorists murdered the six hostages as Israeli forces closed in during a rescue mission in Gaza, according to the Israeli military.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant on Sunday, to pass ‘along his deepest condolences to the families of all of the slain hostages, and he expressed outrage at their vicious, illegal, and immoral execution at the hands of Hamas,’ the U.S. Defense Department said in a statement. ‘The Secretary affirmed that Hamas leaders must be held accountable for their crimes. And Secretary Austin and Minister Gallant reaffirmed their mutual commitment to swiftly reaching a ceasefire deal to secure the release of all of the hostages.’ 

Hamas still holds 101 hostages, including seven Americans, following the Oct. 7 attacks. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

The 2024 Election season is reaching its crescendo.

Labor Day traditionally marks the final stretch ahead of a presidential election, and there are just nine weeks of campaigning left until Election Day on Nov. 5.

In a slew of states, however, the election actually gets underway this month. In swing state North Carolina, mail-in voting begins on Sept. 6. Early voting begins on Sept. 16 in Pennsylvania and Sept. 26 in Michigan, two other crucial electoral battlegrounds.

With the clock ticking, former President Donald Trump says he has the momentum.

‘We’re leading in the polls now,’ the former president said in an interview Friday with Fox News’ Bryan Llenas.

Minutes later, at a rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Trump touted that ‘our poll numbers are starting to skyrocket.’

Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris is urging her supporters to ‘not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog.’

Harris, at a rally in Savannah, Georgia, late last week, pointed to her showdown with Trump and said, ‘We have some hard work ahead of us.’

Most of the latest national surveys show Harris with a slight single-digit edge over Trump, but the presidential election is not a national popular vote contest. It is a battle for the individual states and their electoral votes.

The latest surveys in the seven battleground states that decided the 2020 election between Trump and President Biden – and will likely determine the outcome of the 2024 showdown – indicate a margin-of-error race. Among those polls are a batch from Fox News that made headlines last week.

It is a big change from earlier this summer when Biden was still running.

Biden’s disastrous performance against Trump in their late June debate turned up the volume of existing doubts from Americans that the 81-year-old president would have the physical and mental stamina to handle another four years in the White House. It also sparked a rising chorus of calls from top Democratic Party allies and elected officials for Biden to drop out of the race.

National and battleground state polls conducted in July indicated Trump had opened up a small but significant lead over Biden.

The president dropped his re-election bid on July 21 and endorsed his vice president, and Democrats immediately coalesced around Harris, who quickly enjoyed a boost in her poll numbers and in fundraising.

Still, pollsters and political analysts stress that the Harris-Trump contest remains a coin-flip at this point.

While the former president touts his standing in the polls, his team emphasizes they like the current poll position, as they point out that the former president has a history of outperforming public opinion surveys.

‘At this point in the race in 2016, Donald Trump was down to Hillary Clinton by an average of 5.9 points. At this point in the race in 2020, it was 6.9 to Joe Biden,’ senior adviser Corey Lewandowski noted this weekend in an interview on ‘Fox News Sunday.’

Meanwhile, Harris predicts that ‘this is going to be a tight race until the very end.’ 

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

Signing Off

I want to thank the owner/President of, Chip Anderson, and his son, Eric, for 25 years of friendship, over 10 years of writing 200+ articles in my “Dancing with the Trend” blog on offers a giant selection of tools and material for investors and traders. Even if you do not classify yourself as one of those there is an enormous amount of educational material to see and read.

I must admit in my articles I covered a wide range of topics and was never afraid of saying exactly how I felt about various things even at the risk of offending some. One item I often talked about is discipline. If you want success in the market, I honestly believe discipline must be a major portion of your approach.

Finally, if beating the market is your goal; I believe your investing career will be short. To me, that is a foolish goal; the goal is to try to participate in the up markets and try to avoid participating in the down markets.  You do not need to remain invested at all times as much of Wall Street wants you to think.

I wish you success and above all much happiness.

Greg Morris

President Biden claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a hostage deal with Hamas terrorists.

Biden made the remarks to reporters before heading into the Situation Room, where he and Vice President Harris are convening with a hostage deal negotiating team following the murder of 23-year-old Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin and five other hostages by Hamas on Saturday. 

On the South Lawn of the White House, where Biden disembarked from Marine One upon returning from his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, one reporter asked, ‘Mr. President, do you think it’s time for Prime Minister Netanyahu to do more on this issue? Do you think he is doing enough?

‘No,’ the president responded flatly. 

Asked what makes him think this deal will be successful in a way that the other proposals were not, Biden said, ‘Hope springs eternal.’ The president said ‘we’re very close’ to being able to present a final hostage deal. He told reporters he was headed into a national security meeting and would be going to Pittsburg later in the day. 

‘Yes. I have spoken to the American hostage … I spoke to his mom and dad, and we are not giving up. We are going to continue to push as hard as we can. Thank you,’ Biden said. 

Earlier Monday, Jonathan Dekel-Chen, the father of an Israeli-American hostage still being held by Hamas, pleaded for the U.S. and Israel to broker a deal ‘with Satan.’ 

Dekel-Chen, appearing on ‘Fox & Friends,’ acknowledged that the United States together with Qatar and Egypt are trying to broker an agreement between Israel and ‘a savage terrorist organization,’ but insisted that Israeli intelligence shows Hamas’ forces are depleted at this stage. 

He said Netanyahu cannot offer ‘an excuse anymore to not complete this deal’ to bring the remaining 101 hostages, including seven Americans, taken into Gaza on Oct. 7, 2023, home. 

Israel saw a massive labor strike on Monday after demonstrators took to the streets in droves Sunday protesting Israel’s leadership’s failure to reach an agreement to release the hostages 11 months into the war. 

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

If there is something you can count on, it is that there seems to be a new scam every day. While we’ve covered different types of Social Security scams over the years, Jeanne from Hackensack, New Jersey, forwarded a new one to share with you.

‘I received this email (displayed below) yesterday. I did not open the attachment. I hovered my mouse over the name of the Sender and immediately saw it as a lie.’

This vigilant approach by Jeanne demonstrates the importance of being cautious and skeptical when dealing with unsolicited emails, especially those claiming to be from official sources.

What type of scam is this?

A phishing scam is when a person or group pretends to be an established organization, such as a governmental agency, financial institution or legitimate company. The scammer uses what looks like a legitimate email address and usually attaches what looks like an official invoice or letter. 

They usually approach with a sense of urgency. In this instance, her Social Security number was compromised. The desired outcome is to get you to open the attachment, which can download a virus or malware onto your device or reach out to them to get your personal information, in this case, over the phone. Luckily, Jeanne knew better, did not open the attachment and reported it to the governmental agency being impersonated.

What to do if you receive one of these scam emails?

Now that you know what types of emails to be wary of, what should you do when you receive them? Below are several methods to protect yourself.

1) Flag the email

Mark the email as junk or spam so your email service provider will learn to flag such emails. This should also make it harder to open the attachments accidentally.

2) Don’t open any attachments or links

Jeanne smartly did not open the attached letter. She hovered her cursor over the attachment and saw it was suspicious. Remember, opening attachments or links from a scammer can download viruses or malware to your device. It can also take you to another website that can glean more of your personal information or release viruses or malware.

3) Do not respond to the email or reach out to these scammers over the phone or any other method

This will simply validate that they have an actual victim to harass further. Additionally, if you do call them with the number they provided, they can connect your email address to the phone number you use to call them. 

4) Go directly to the source

If there was indeed a problem with your Social Security number or account, you can go to the official Social Security Administration website. You can even visit them in person to validate your account standing.

8 ways to prevent phishing scammers from reaching you

Preventing yourself from being a target of a scam can save you loads of anxiety and trouble. Below are 8 ways to prevent yourself from being a victim in the first place.

1) Verify or sign up for a Social Security account

Whether you already have an account or not, regularly verifying your Social Security account is crucial. For those who haven’t, visit the official Social Security Administration website to create one. Since only one account can be registered per Social Security number, securing yours prevents others from fraudulently claiming it. If you already have an account, ensure it’s linked to a secure email that you check often and review your account statements to spot any discrepancies. This proactive approach helps safeguard your personal information and alerts you to any unauthorized activity.

2) Use two-factor authentication

Always enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your online accounts. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring two or more verification methods. It’s not just a password; it could be a code sent to your phone, a fingerprint or a facial scan. This makes it much harder for scammers to gain unauthorized access.

3) Keep software and systems updated

Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software. Regularly updating your operating system, antivirus software and other applications can protect you from these threats. You can also set your devices to update automatically so you don’t have to remember to do it manually.

4) Secure your personal information

Be cautious about sharing personal information online. Think twice before entering sensitive details on websites, especially if you’re unsure they’re legitimate. Use privacy settings on social media to control who can see your information and be wary of unsolicited requests for your personal data.

5) Have strong antivirus software

If you have strong antivirus software installed on your device, it can protect you when you receive these types of scam emails or accidentally open the attachment or click a link. The best way to protect yourself from clicking malicious links that install malware that may get access to your private information is to have antivirus protection installed on all your devices. This can also alert you of any phishing emails or ransomware scams. Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

6) Invest in personal data removal services

Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods of obtaining personal information. They often scour the web for publicly available data, piecing together details from various sources to create targeted phishing attacks. These personalized scams can be alarmingly convincing, making it crucial to limit the amount of personal information accessible online.

While no service promises to remove all your data from the internet, having a removal service is great if you want to constantly monitor and automate the process of removing your information from hundreds of sites continuously over a longer period of time. Remove your personal data from the internet with my top picks here.

7) Use an identity theft protection service

Identity theft companies can monitor personal information like your Social Security number, phone number and email address and alert you if it is being sold on the dark web or being used to open an account. They can also assist you in freezing your bank and credit card accounts to prevent further unauthorized use by criminals. 

One of the best parts of using some services is that they might include identity theft insurance of and a white-glove fraud resolution team where a . See my tips and best picks on how to protect yourself from identity theft.

8) Directly reach out to the real organizations for verification

Just like Jeanne did, contact the government agency, financial institution or company directly using contact information from their official websites. Ensure that you never use any contact details provided in unsolicited communications, as these can be falsified by scammers to mislead you and become a potential victim.

By incorporating these strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of phishing scams. Stay vigilant and proactive in protecting your personal information.

Kurt’s key takeaways

When it comes to protecting yourself from scammers, you can never be too prepared. Let’s face it: These fraudsters are getting craftier by the day. They’re like those pesky weeds in your garden; just when you think you’ve got them all, a new one pops up. But don’t let that get you down. With the tips we’ve covered, you’re now armed and ready to spot these scams from a mile away. Stay skeptical of those fishy emails, and when in doubt, reach out to the real organizations directly. And hey, if you ever feel overwhelmed, just think of Jeanne from Hackensack. She didn’t fall for the scam and neither will you. You’ve got this.

Have you received a scam email from anyone pretending to be from a governmental agency? How did you respond? Let us know by writing us at

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This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

Extended trends often start with big bangs and major breakouts. Chartists can identify “big bang” moves by showing price change in ATR terms. We can use the price charts to identify big breakouts. Today’s example will show Paypal (PYPL), which is part the FinTech ETF (FINX). The ChartTrader weekly report featured FINX because it broke its July high and Paypal because it is part of this strong group. Note that we are offering a free look at this week’s ChartTrader report and video (here)

Let’s first look at the breakout on the price chart. PYPL was trading above 300 in 2021 and then fell to around 50 in October 2024. The stock rebounded with the market from November to January and then traded flat the last seven months. A large range formed with the stock hitting resistance at 68 at least four times since January. The stock broke through with a big move in August and this is very bullish.

Not only did PYPL break a major resistance level, but it did so with a big bang. The indicator window shows Normalized ROC, which measures the price move in ATR terms. Average True Range (ATR) is a volatility indicator developed by Welles Wilder. Normalized ROC (20,250) shows the 20 day price change divided by ATR(250). This indicator exceeded 5 in late August, which means the price move was more than 5 ATR values. A big bang indeed. This is the strongest 20-day move since 2021. Normalized ROC is part of the TIP Indicator Edge plugin for StockCharts ACP.

Even though the big bang move and a breakout are long-term bullish, note that Paypal is short-term overbought after this sharp advance. This means we could see some backing and filling as the stock digest the advance. The green shading marks an area to watch for possible support should we see a pullback.

Note that we are offering a free look at this week’s ChartTrader report and video (here)


The father of an Israeli-American hostage still being held by Hamas demanded a ‘negotiated agreement with Satan’ soon, as President Biden and Vice President Harris head into the Situation Room with the U.S. negotiating team.

‘It is absolutely clear, the only way to get hostages home alive is by some kind of negotiated agreement with Satan,’ Jonathan Dekel-Chen, whose son Sagui is still being held in Gaza following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, said in an interview with ‘Fox & Friends’ Monday morning. ‘Keeping in mind that all of Israel’s military and intelligence, senior command have been saying for weeks if not months the fighting needs to stop in order to get the hostages back, as many as possible alive, but all of the 101 hostages remaining.’ 

There are seven U.S. citizens still being held by Hamas as hostages, including four believed to be still alive, and three whose murders have already been confirmed, Dekel-Chen noted. 

‘As far as messaging to the Israeli government, my government, it’s that the time is over for selling, perpetuating this fantasy of total victory over Hamas based on the sacrifice of our sons, daughters, grandparents who are hostages in Gaza,’ Dekel-Chen said. ‘We’ve been at this for 11 months, hearing from our government that a little more military pressure and a little more military pressure is going to cause Hamas to come begging for an agreement in exchange for our hostages. Clearly, that has not happened. Six bodies were returned yesterday of hostages who were alive until this past week. A week before that, six other hostages were returned after their murder, months and months after [Oct. 7].’ 

Biden and Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee, plan to meet in the White House Situation Room Monday morning along with the U.S. hostage deal negotiating team after the murder of six hostages, including American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, by Hamas on Saturday.

The White House said the focus of the meeting is to discuss efforts to drive toward a deal that secures the release of the remaining hostages. 

Mobs of protesters took to the streets in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities on Sunday, after the bodies of the hostages in Gaza were returned to Israel, fueling frustration and anger toward the country’s leadership for failing to achieve a cease-fire deal freeing the remaining hostages. Israeli media reported that the crowds of protesters were estimated to be up to 500,000 in major Israeli cities.

A rare call for a general strike in Israel to protest the failure to return hostages held in Gaza led to closures and other disruptions around the country on Monday, including at its main international airport. 

‘I think the Biden administration itself will say that they will have done enough when all of the hostages are home. The seven Americans, of course, but all of the 101. The Biden administration has given us extraordinary support since Oct. 7, as well as Congress, from wall to wall which is quite extraordinary in these very polarized political times,’ Dekel-Chen said. 

‘At the end of the day, the Biden administration or any US administration is not the one who has to sign this agreement. The United States together with Qatar and Egypt are trying to broker an agreement between Israel and a savage terrorist organization,’ the father added. ‘To date, I believe that the Biden administration, all of the U.S. families would agree, has done everything in its power to bring those two sides to yes. Clearly, a little more is necessary, and that’s what we’re asking for, that last little push to convince, obviously Hamas and the Israeli government to get to yes, to end this madness, and to get our people home. Americans, the U.S. citizens and everyone else.’ 

Dekel-Chen said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition don’t have any excuse not to complete a deal. Hamas, though, has rejected recent proposals.

Dekel-Chen argued that the complete eradication of Hamas should not be a sticking point for a deal, because they are too weak to control the Gaza Strip anymore.

‘The entire senior command of the Army and our intelligence services have said very clearly that Hamas at this moment has been so significantly depleted as a military and a governing organization that that simply cannot be used anymore, except for evidently, domestic political purposes by our prime minister and his coalition, that cannot be used as a reason, really an excuse, anymore to not complete this deal,’ Dekel-Chen said. ‘The only resistance in Israel is from the government itself, most of its ministers unqualified really to make these kinds of decisions from military and intelligence standpoint.’ 

Fox News’ Greg Wehner and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

President Biden and Vice President Harris plan to meet in the White House Situation Room on Monday along with the U.S. hostage deal negotiating team after the murder of six hostages, including American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, by Hamas on Saturday.

The White House said the focus of the meeting is to discuss efforts to drive toward a deal that secures the release of the remaining hostages. The meeting is also closed to the press.

Mobs of protesters took to the streets in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other cities on Sunday after the bodies of the hostages in Gaza were returned to Israel, fueling frustration and anger toward the country’s leadership for failing to achieve a cease-fire deal freeing the remaining hostages.

Israeli media reported that the crowds of protesters were estimated to be up to 500,000 in major Israeli cities. Many of the protesters demanded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu do more to bring home the remaining 101 hostages.

Reuters reported that Israel’s leadership estimates that nearly a third of the remaining hostages are dead.

While protests remained strong on Sunday, labor leaders called on workers to be part of a one-day strike Monday.

‘We are getting body bags instead of a deal,’ Histadrut Labor Federation chief Arnon Bar-David said to reporters on Sunday, according to Reuters. ‘We must reach a deal. A deal is more important than anything else.’

The Histadrut Labor Federation is Israel’s main labor union that represents hundreds of thousands of workers. Bar-David’s call for a one-day strike was supported by manufacturers and tech entrepreneurs in the country.

Israel’s military announced that the bodies of hostages 40-year-old Carmel Gat, 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 24-year-old Eden Yerushalmi, 32-year-old Alexander Lobanov, 27-year-old Almog Sarusi and 25-year-old Ori Danino were recovered from a tunnel in the southern Gazan city of Rafah.

A polio vaccination campaign had begun in the war-torn Gaza Strip, which sparked violence in the occupied West Bank.

The bodies of the six hostages have since been returned to Israel, according to military spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.

An Israeli health ministry spokesperson said a forensic analysis of the bodies determined the hostages were ‘murdered by Hamas terrorists in a number of shots at close range’ 48 to 72 hours prior.

After learning of the news, protesters blocked streets in Jerusalem and held a demonstration outside Netanyahu’s residence. In Tel Aviv, protesters blocked the main highway while holding flags with images of the murdered hostages.

During the protests, police reportedly arrested about two dozen Israelis nationwide, Reuters reported.

After the hostages’ bodies were recovered, Netanyahu said in a statement that he was ‘shocked to the core’ by the murders.

‘He who murders abductees does not want a deal. We are in a difficult day. The heart of the entire nation was torn,’ Netanyahu said. 

‘Along with all the citizens of Israel, I was shocked to the core by the terrible cold-blooded murder of six of our abductees.’

War has been raging in the Middle East since Oct. 7, when Hamas launched a series of attacks on Israel, sparking Israel to declare war soon afterward. An estimated 257 Israeli hostages were trapped in Gaza when the war first began, and 101 hostages are still in Gaza. Of the 101 remaining hostages, 66 are believed to be alive, four of whom are American citizens.

Fox News Digital’s Landon Mion, Emma Colton and Reuters contributed to this report.

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