
September 1, 2024


Israel’s largest labor union is planning a massive strike for Monday to demand a cease-fire deal between the nation and Hamas after six Israeli hostages were found dead in a Hamas tunnel. 

‘We are getting body bags instead of a deal,’ Histadrut Labor Federation chief Arnon Bar-David said Sunday to reporters, according to Reuters.  

‘We must reach a deal. A deal is more important than anything else,’ he said.

The Histadrut Labor Federation is Israel’s main labor union that represents hundreds of thousands of workers. Bar-David’s call for a one-day strike was supported by manufacturers and tech entrepreneurs in the country, according to Reuters.

‘Without the return of the hostages, we will not be able to end the war, we will not be able to rehabilitate ourselves as a society, and we will not be able to begin to rehabilitate the Israeli economy,’ Israel’s Manufacturers’ Association leader Ron Tomer said in support of Bar-David’s call for a strike. 

‘The government must ensure that it does everything for the return of the hostages as soon as possible, even under the limitations of a limited cease-fire, and I call on all businesses in Israel to act to make it happen,’ he added.

Israeli municipalities such as Tel Aviv, Kfar Saba, and Givatayim agreed to join the strike on Monday, the New York Post reported. 

Hamas terrorists killed six hostages Saturday as Israel Defense Forces launched a rescue operation in the tunnels below Gaza’s Rafah. Among the bodies recovered was Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who had been held by the Hamas terrorists since Oct. 7, when war first broke out between Hamas and Israel. 

Those confirmed dead include: Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 27.

‘According to our initial assessment, they were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists shortly before we reached them,’ IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a statement.

War has been raging in the Middle East since Oct. 7, when Hamas launched a series of attacks on Israel, sparking Israel to declare war soon afterward. An estimated 257 Israeli hostages were trapped in Gaza when the war first began, and 101 hostages are still in Gaza. Of the 101 remaining hostages, 66 are believed to be alive, four of whom are American citizens. 

Bar-David said that a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas had failed due to ‘political considerations,’ in a jab at Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

After the hostages’ bodies were recovered, Netanyahu said in a statement that he was ‘shocked to the core’ by the murders.

‘He who murders abductees – does not want a deal. We are in a difficult day. The heart of the entire nation was torn,’ Netanyahu said. 

‘Along with all the citizens of Israel, I was shocked to the core by the terrible cold-blooded murder of six of our abductees.’

Protesters on Sunday flooded the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and outside Netayhu’s residence to demand a cease-fire, Reuters reported. 

The strike will begin at 6 a.m. and will include disruptions such as causing Israel’s main airport, the Ben Gurion Airport, to shut down. 

Fox News Digital’s Landon Mion contributed to this report. 

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Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. urged President Biden and Israel to take action against Iran after six more hostages were killed, calling Vice President Harris a ‘wrecking ball on foreign policy.’ 

Appearing on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ Graham reacted to the news that Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin was among the six hostages whom the Israel Defense Forces reported finding brutally murdered by Hamas as Israeli forces were close to rescuing them.

‘Heartbroken. Yeah. Devastated. Mad. John and Rachel have done everything in their power to help their son be released from captivity after 11 months of captivity,’ Graham said, referencing Goldberg-Polin’s parents. ‘He was murdered by Hamas. Hamas [couldn’t] care less about the hostages or the Palestinians. And if you want the hostages home, which we all do, you have to increase the cost to Iran.’

‘Iran is the Great Satan here. Hamas is the junior partner. They’re barbaric, religious Nazis, Hamas,’ Graham continued. ‘They [couldn’t] care less about the Palestinian people. I would urge the Biden administration and Israel to hold Iran accountable for the fate of remaining hostages, and put on the target list oil refineries in Iran if the hostages are not released.’ 

The IDF said all six hostages had been killed shortly before the arrival of Israeli forces. 

Hamas terrorists seized Goldberg-Polin, 23, and four of the other hostages at a music festival in southern Israel during the Oct. 7 attack. The native of Berkeley, California, lost part of his left arm to a grenade in the attack. In April, a Hamas-issued video showed him alive but with his left hand missing, sparking new protests in Israel.

The Israeli army identified the other dead hostages as Ori Danino, 25; Eden Yerushalmi, 24; Almog Sarusi, 27; and Alexander Lobanov, 33; who were also taken from the music festival. The sixth, Carmel Gat, 40, was abducted from the nearby farming community of Be’eri. The IDF said the bodies were recovered from a tunnel in Rafah, around a half a mile from where another hostage, Qaid Farhan Alkadi, 52, was rescued alive last week.

Graham accused Harris of ‘sending a signal’ to terrorists in the Middle East that the United States doesn’t have Israel’s back when she boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before a joint session of Congress.

‘She’s been a senator. She’s attorney general. She’s now vice president. Obviously, she has some talent. But here’s what I would say. On foreign policy, she’s been a wrecking ball,’ Graham said. ‘On Israel, she sat there and listened to somebody call the Israeli government and people engaging in genocide and did nothing about it. She boycotted Bibi’s speech to the Congress, sending a signal to Hamas and Iran that America really doesn’t have Israel’s back. She was cheerleading the withdrawal from Afghanistan. She’s bragged about being the last person in the room, the dumbest decision maybe in modern history by American administration.’

‘I was in Munich when she warned the Russians not to invade Ukraine. Four days later, they did. She’s been in charge of the border,’ he continued. ‘I don’t know what the hell she’s been doing on the border, but we’ve got more terrorists in our country than any time in history. And fentanyl poisoning is the leading cause of death among young people in America.’

‘She’s been a wrecking ball on foreign policy,’ Graham stated. ‘It’s been the most incompetent administration I can remember on things that matter to the American people, your safety and your prosperity.’

Graham was asked about a reported altercation at Arlington National Cemetery, where former President Trump was invited by the families of the 13 U.S. service members killed at Abbey Gate to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony on the three-year anniversary of the Aug. 26, 2021, ISIS-K bombing that happened during the Biden administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal. 

‘I’m all for looking at what happened. But you know what really is unfortunate? That these families had to go visit their fallen loved ones at Arlington due to incompetence by the Biden administration,’ Graham told ABC. ‘You know, I’ve tried to work with President Biden to get Saudi Arabia and Israel to reconcile. I’ve supported a lot of their … nominees. I’ve known President Biden for a long time, but Vice President Harris bragged about being the last person in the room, cheerleading the withdrawal of all forces that led to the death of these13. Rising terrorism, combine that with a broken border – another 9/11 coming our way. So what I take away from this whole debate about Arlington is why they died, how they died, and the incompetency that led to their death to the American people.’

‘We’ve lost deterrence. Nobody in the world is afraid of Kamala Harris. She has become, in my view, ineffective, in terms of a voice for America. So if you want to avoid more dead Americans, vote for Trump,’ he added. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s endorsement of former President Donald Trump is a marvel to behold. It is astonishing that such a prominent member of America’s quintessential Democrat family embraced the most conservative Republican nominee since President Ronald Reagan.

If a majority of Kennedy’s roughly 6% of likely voters support Trump on November 5, they could compose the 3.1% that he might need to edge Vice President Kamala Harris in a photo finish. But Kennedy should add value beyond Election Day. If re-elected, Trump should ask him to chair a new Presidential Commission to Make Free Speech Great Again.

Kennedy and his commissioners should investigate federal assaults on the First Amendment, most notoriously the election-interference campaign to censor news coverage of Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell.

‘The FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma,’ Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R – Ohio) on Monday. After the Oct. 14, 2020 story in the New York Post exposed Hunter Biden’s laptop and its evidence of the Bidens’ dodgy international deals, ‘we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply. It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story.’

After conferring with then-Biden-Harris campaign aide Antony Blinken (now secretary of state), former acting CIA chief Michael Morrell recruited 50 other former intelligence officer to sign an open letter that dismissed the Post’s exclusive for containing ‘all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’

Biden-Harris’ allies and other Deep State denizens used the ex-spies’ communiqué to dragoon Facebook, Twitter (now X), and other social-media giants into censoring the Hunter Biden story. In fact, Twitter (pre-Elon Musk) padlocked the Post’s account for 15 days!

Meanwhile, during his final debate against Trump that Oct. 22, Joe Biden used the ex-spies’ bogus letter to denounce the Post’s true story as ‘a bunch of garbage.’

Mission accomplished! Millions of voters never learned about the Biden family’s corruption that haunted Hunter Biden’s laptop. Within days, Crooked Joe captured the Oval Office.2

‘In 2021,’ Zuckerberg added, ‘senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.’

Biden-Harris’s Justice Department sicced the FBI on ‘domestic terrorists,’ specifically parents who complained to school boards about Critical Race Theory and radical transgender treatment of minors. The Administration proposed that a Disinformation Governance Board patrol the Internet for undesirable ‘misinformation’ and then deplatform and punish Biden-Harris’s detractors.

While public ridicule doomed the DGB, Biden-Harris reportedly still coerce tech giants to silence the administration’s critics. Biden-Harris’ FBI also spied on ‘violent extremists,’ namely Latin-Mass Catholics.

These unconstitutional policies also oppressed Kennedy. As the pandemic roared on, his concerns about COVID-19 vaccines got buried.

As a victim of Biden-Harris’ censorship, Kennedy is ideally suited to investigate their War on the First Amendment. The Kennedy Commission should identify every federal employee who perpetrated these unconstitutional outrages. 

‘What alarms me is the resort to censorship, media control, and weaponization of the federal agencies,’ Kennedy said in Phoenix on Aug. 23, as he suspended his campaign. ‘When a U.S. president colludes with, or outright coerces, media companies to censor political speech, it’s an attack on our most sacred right of free expression.’

As a victim of Biden-Harris’ censorship, Kennedy is ideally suited to investigate their War on the First Amendment. The Kennedy Commission should identify every federal employee who perpetrated these unconstitutional outrages. Trump then should tell these totalitarians: ‘You’re fired!’ The attorneys among them should be disbarred and their law licenses shredded. Those who violated federal law should be prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned.

And on Day One, Trump should revoke the security clearances of those 51 lying ex-spies. This would signal — big league — that censorship is dead, and free speech is alive and well.

What a beautiful, bipartisan victory this would be for America, courtesy of Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Republican Donald J. Trump.

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Trump-Vance campaign adviser Cory Lewandowksi said that pro-lifers who choose not to vote due to dissatisfaction over former President Trump’s moderate stance on abortion give a ‘tacit endorsement’ of Kamala Harris’ ‘radical position on abortion.’ 

Appearing on ‘Fox News Sunday,’ Lewandowski, a 2016 Trump campaign adviser who recently joined the 2024 re-election team, was asked about pro-life activist Lila Rose’s recent comments to Politico Magazine.

Rose, who runs Live Action, said in a recent interview that Trump has been ‘alienating’ his base by moving to the center in recent weeks. 

‘I think it’s very foolish what he’s doing,’ Rose told Politico. ‘It’s politically unwise, it may cost him the election, and it’s morally unprincipled as well. Right now, it’s all about turnout. If he wants to galvanize his base, he needs to stop trying to pander to Kamala Harris’ base, because they’re never going to vote for him anyway.’ 

The Republican presidential nominee has spoken out against using the federal government to ban the delivery of abortion medication by mail. Trump also pledged universal support for IVF treatment because ‘we want more babies.’ Despite Democrat Kamala Harris insisting Trump would enact a national abortion ban if elected, Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, has said Trump would veto any such measure. 

Trump has also said in recent days that Florida’s abortion limit after six weeks is ‘too short.’ 

‘If she chooses to stay home, then by, you know, tacit endorsement, she’s supporting, Kamala Harris, who has had a radical position on the issue of abortion,’ Lewandowski said of Rose Sunday. ‘Many Democrats believe that you can have an abortion not only on up until the last week, but also in some cases after the baby’s been born. What Donald Trump has said was, let’s have the states decide – they are the laboratories of democracy. Let’s turn this back. And that’s what Roe v. Wade really did. And so we see across this country right now opportunities for individuals to go and vote at the ballot box of what they want to see transpire in their state.’

‘And every state is going to look a little different,’ he continued, responding to  host Shannon Bream. ‘We have seen some relatively or very conservative states go to a position where women are given opportunities that you would not have expected because of that. But those states understand, whether it’s Ohio or Kansas, that women have the opportunity to make their own decisions, and the states are allowing that to happen. So what Donald Trump has done, and I think by and large, the American people support this, is Roe v. Wade has been overturned because of his three Supreme Court nominees that are now sitting on the bench. And they’ve put it back to the states. And it’s a decision at the local level now.’ 

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If there’s one thing for which former President Ronald Reagan is known, it’s his defense of human liberty. 

He not only stared down the Soviet Union and won the Cold War, but he also defended America’s unparalleled freedom and prosperity from its enemies within. 

Those enemies worked tirelessly — and still do — to undermine constitutional safeguards that protect freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly, the right to own property and the right to a fair trial with a jury of one’s peers. 

Another Reagan quality was courage. He was often pilloried by left-wing mobs in America and abroad and portrayed as a heartless autocrat and as an ‘amiable dunce’ by liberal media. Nevertheless, he made his face like an iron flint, stayed focused and ultimately demanded, ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.’ 

Reagan’s faith, the source of his strength and courage, comes through clearly in the powerful new movie ‘REAGAN,’ starring Dennis Quaid as the 40th president. Quaid nails the role. 

Early in the movie, young Ronnie, played by David Henrie, is shown growing up in Dixon, Illinois, in a dysfunctional household with an alcoholic father. His mother Nelle, played by Amanda Righetti, made sure he went to church. As a teen, Ron developed into a spiritual leader and taught Sunday school. 

Later, under relentless attack, he wasn’t shy about attributing his political courage to his lifelong faith in God. Undoubtedly, Reagan took comfort from the fact that Jesus Himself underwent persecution to the point of crucifixion. Shot by a would-be assassin in 1981, Reagan faced it with his usual upbeat attitude, even joking with doctors. The film shows House Speaker Tip O’Neil, a Democrat, visiting him in the hospital and reciting with him the 23rd Psalm. 

Jesus assured His followers that they would not face hardship alone. ‘I have spoken these things to you so that you might have peace in Me. In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world,’ Jesus said. (John 16:33) 

Also, the Apostle Peter said, ‘But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled.’ (1 Peter 3:14) 

The sweeping biopic, which debuts in theaters on August 30, also stars Penelope Ann Miller as Nancy Reagan and Jon Voight, who plays a former Soviet intelligence agent who narrates the film. As Viktor Petrovich, Voight explains to a young Russian operative how Reagan brought down the Soviet empire and what was behind his steely resolve. 

The movie captures Reagan’s tough tenures as head of the Screen Actors Guild, where he rooted out Hollywood communists, and as governor of California. It also portrays his partnership with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II to take down the ‘Iron Curtain’ of communism. 

As the movie shows vividly, demonstrations erupted in Europe and in America when Reagan stood firm against the Soviets. He was ridiculed for announcing the Strategic Defense Initiative, which the media mockingly dubbed ‘Star Wars.’ That was a mistake; Americans love movies in which good conquers evil. 

During a speech on March 8, 1983, in Orlando to the National Association of Evangelicals, Reagan famously dubbed the Soviet Union ‘an evil empire.’ This spoke to many people’s hearts, especially those of the captive peoples of Eastern Europe. America had a leader committed to defending freedom not only at home but abroad. 

Reagan’s defense of liberty extended to the right to life of unborn children. He opposed abortion on demand and the provision of birth control and abortion counseling to minors without parental consent. 

He also got rid of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, which freed up talk radio and led to the success of Rush Limbaugh and other voices outside the liberal legacy media. 

In his first inaugural address, Reagan declared that ‘government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.’ His tax cuts freed up a stagnant American economy. 

He opposed the Supreme Court’s prohibition of school prayer. And he set out to appoint ‘strict constructionists,’ that is, judges who take seriously the original meaning of the Constitution. His most effective Supreme Court appointment was Antonin Scalia, one of the most brilliant conservative legal minds in American history. 

The movie ‘REAGAN’ reminds us of how American greatness depends on great leadership and faith in the one, true God of the Bible. It’s also a terrific and tender love story — that of Nancy’s and Ron’s 52-year-long marriage, ending in his death from Alzheimer’s at age 93 on June 5, 2004.  

‘REAGAN’ is not only an entertaining movie but it captures his true genius. It’s a much-needed corrective to incorrect negative popular history repeated endlessly today by anti-freedom talking heads.  

Every American should see it. 

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As the presidential race heats up with less than three months until Election Day, candidates in smaller-scale races across the country are also sprinting to the November finish line.

Those include the 435 races that will decide control of the House of Representatives next year.

‘I feel sort of bullish for Republicans right now,’ veteran GOP strategist Doug Heye told Fox News Digital. ‘This [presidential] race, especially in the swing states, is going to be so close that, to me, mitigates some of the ‘If Trump wins, Republicans keep the House, if Harris wins, Democrats take it back’ – that mitigates it for me to some extent.’

Democratic strategist Joel Rubin, on the other hand, was confident in his party’s redistricting wins and renewed political enthusiasm since Vice President Kamala Harris took over the mantle from President Biden last month.

‘These 35, 40 swing districts, I think about 18 to 20 are Biden wins in red seats. So the map looks promising,’ Rubin said. ‘And the thing that’s distinct now from a month ago, obviously, is Democratic enthusiasm . . . I do think Democrats can take back the House with these kinds of numbers and these kinds of structural gains.’

And with ever-shrinking margins in the House in recent years, it’s likely control of the House will come down to just several key races, five of which Fox News Digital highlighted below:


Freshman Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., is running against former Democratic Rep. Mondaire Jones in the New York suburbs just north of the Big Apple. His district is among several that Biden won in 2020, and Democrats see an opening to win it back.

Both Jones and Lawler have sought to paint each other as radicals, each tying his rival to the most unpopular policy stances in their respective parties. 

Lawler, for his part, has been ranked among the most bipartisan lawmakers in the 118th Congress.

Jones, meanwhile, has reshaped himself closer to the center, going so far as to endorse the primary opponent of a former progressive anti-Israel colleague, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, which earned him ire from that faction of House Democrats.

‘I think that’s a really important one, that’s a potential pickup for Democrats against a moderate, well-regarded Republican – but in a district that had been blue, and there are . . . seats that Democrats lost in New York that we should not have lost two years ago – and that was the difference between minority and the majority,’ Rubin said.

Heye said, ‘I’m betting on Lawler, he’s a good fit for that district. And I think there are still some divisions on the Democratic side.’


Both Republicans and Democrats are looking at a portion of the Washington, D.C., suburbs in Virginia as a chance for victory in a district that Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., is vacating to run for governor.

The Democrat running is Eugene Vindman, the brother of Alexander Vindman, whose congressional testimony sparked the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

On the GOP side is Derrick Anderson, an attorney and former Special Forces Green Beret.

Spanberger won in 2017 by defeating a Tea Party Republican, and the GOP is eyeing a chance to take the seat back.

‘If I were designing, like, a prototype Democrat to run in a swing district, Spanberger is who I would design – perfect for that district, but she’s not running again. So that makes it harder for Democrats, and I know outside groups are putting money into [that race],’ said Heye.

Rubin defended Vindman, pointing out both he and Spanberger were relevant to the national security space between his military experience and her time in the FBI.

‘I think this is one where he can build off the Spanberger brand,’ he said.


Another competitive seat will be the one being vacated by Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., at the end of this year. 

The central Michigan district has grown more conservative in recent years, according to Bridge Michigan, though Biden eked out a 2% victory there over Trump in 2020.

That race is between Democratic State Sen. Kristen McDonald Rivet and former Trump administration appointee Paul Junge.

Heye said of the open seat there and in Virginia, ‘What I’ve been hearing for a while now… is that the open seats have become a liability for Democrats with their math in taking back the House.’


Maryland’s 6th congressional district could be Republicans’ best pickup opportunity in an otherwise majority-blue state, with Democratic Rep. David Trone leaving at the end of this year.

April Delaney, whose husband John Delaney held the Seat from 2013 to 2017, is running on the Democratic side against Republican former state delegate Neil Parrott.

The district leans blue, but a Washington Post story on the race pointed out that it also has 141,000 unaffiliated voters who could decide the outcome.

Rubin noted he was supportive of Delaney’s bid but conceded that having popular former governor Larry Hogan on the ballot for Senate could inspire more middle-of-the-road people to vote Republican in state congressional races.

AK-At Large

Heye said he was also growing confident about Republicans’ chances in Alaska, where its lone congressional seat will be decided using ranked-choice voting.

‘In Alaska, [Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola] could win, but to do so, she’s going to have to massively over-perform,’ the GOP strategist said. ‘If we’re talking two weeks ago, I would say Republicans are split, ranked-choice voting, the Democrats win. That framework doesn’t exist anymore.’

The general election was meant to be a three-way race between Peltola, Republican Nick Begich, and Alaska Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom. 

Republicans have consolidated in recent days, however, with House GOP leadership getting behind Begich and Dahlstrom dropping out of the race.

Peltola, a moderate Democrat, is generally well-liked in the state, which voted for Trump by roughly 10 points over Biden in 2020. Those dynamics now make for what’s expected to be a close race.

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