
August 2024


According to media reports, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will suspend his presidential campaign as early as Friday and may even endorse former President Trump. But the question remains: will that have any impact on the race? Based on the people I’ve talked to, the answer may well be yes.

I will be honest, in my conversations with voters across this great land of ours, Robert F. Kennedy’s long-shot third party run for president has not come up all that often, but when it does, it is with a very certain kind of undecided voter.

The small group of voters still making up their minds whom I have spoken with are of two distinct varieties. The first and most common are those who like Trump’s policies, say they were better off when he was in the White House, but just don’t like him, on a personal or moral level.

‘I know I’m voting for a president, not a pope,’ one woman told me, a discernible mental anguish on her visage, ‘but it still feels wrong.’

‘They’re both so tied down by money and special interests,’ a couple in San Francisco told me, ‘We need a real outsider.’

Among these voters, nothing RFK, Jr. does is likely to have much impact. But there is another type of undecided voter I have discovered, a group that a scion of the Kennedy clan might have some sway over.

This group simply doesn’t trust that Trump and the Republicans, or Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats, are truly capable of bringing about real change.

‘They’re both so tied down by money and special interests,’ a couple in San Francisco told me, ‘We need a real outsider.’

Another voter said to me, ‘What are we even voting for?’

These Americans, a small but significant group, were consistently, and by far the most likely, to bring up RFK Jr. as a voting possibility, even when I never brought him up. And it really has nothing to do with Kennedy’s policy prescriptions.


This phenomenon is similar to something almost everyone covering the 2016 primary experienced; a bit of shock when some person in New Hampshire or Iowa would say, ‘For me, it’s between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.’

It seemed bizarre. On the one hand, you had the King of Capitalism, on the other, the Count of Communism, but none of that mattered. These voters just wanted somebody, anybody who was not part of the D.C. cabal.

Eight years later, Trump has lost much of his outsider status. He is now the official and established head of the GOP, a party he no doubt transformed, but now is also firmly part of ‘the system.’

This is where RFK Jr.’s potential endorsement of Trump could actually move the needle, especially if it comes with the promise of him serving some role in the administration. 

The pox on both houses that independents want is the transparency that comes from somebody from the outside being on the inside who will tell them the unvarnished truth – and agitate for change.

If Kennedy comes out this week and says he believes Trump is the one who can break up the monotonous monopoly of Washington power, then many of these voters may well pivot to the former president’s side.

There is one other aspect of RFK Jr.’s story that has a chance to move the needle. I have not met one Democratic voter who was truly angry about Joe Biden being replaced by Harris without getting any votes.

And when Republicans point this out, they are accused of concern trolling. After all, if Democrats are happy with the outcome, who cares? The GOP, the argument goes, isn’t worried about democracy, but rather that they could now lose.

Kennedy has a legitimate argument to make that he, himself, is an aggrieved party in the DNC shenanigans. It was Kennedy, along with others like Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., who called for a fulsome and real primary process and were told by the party to kick rocks.

RFK Jr.’s warnings about Biden’s unpopularity and frailty proved prescient. Now he has the ability to call foul on this process in a way no Republican does.

The Democrats are already starting to come after Kennedy, wrongly claiming he has always been MAGA, but most voters know that isn’t the case. 

In a campaign chock-full of shocking curves and switchbacks, an RFK Jr. endorsement of Trump may only be a gentle bend in the road, but it might get Trump just a little bit closer to the finish line.

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In Monday’s DecisionPoint Trading Room video, we were asked why we cover Gold Miners (GDX) as well as Gold (GLD). There are two reasons:

Some people prefer to own the commodity, Gold, and others prefer to own an operating company that benefits from the price of Gold, such as Gold Miners. For a profitable mining company, when Gold increases in value, most of the increase goes straight to the bottom line because cost of goods is already paid for.Other people prefer Gold Miners because they may pay a dividend, and typically they out-perform Gold by a lot. That applies to movement in both directions. That is to say, Gold Miners will typically go up faster than Gold, but Miners also go down a lot faster than Gold.

This morning, I heard a money manager who asserted that people who own Gold should be selling it because, while Gold has been making all-time highs, Gold Miners need to advance another +50% to equal its 2011 all-time highs. The chart confirms that, but there is more to consider in this regard.

Here is a performance chart comparing the two from the 2011 top to the present, and we can see that GDX has underperformed GLD by about half.

But let’s look at just the decline from the 2011 top to the 2015 lows. We can see that GDX fell at an accelerated rate, driven by the negative sentiment associated with GLD’s decline.

The chart showing the performance from the 2015 lows shows that GDX has out-performed GLD by a lot, as we would expect; however, GDX took a -45% hit in 20 because of the securities bear market. Also, GLD had a rather tedious two-year sideways episode in 2020 to 2022, which would have been uninspiring to potential Miners investors. Nevertheless, GDX is still out-performing GLD by a considerable amount.

Conclusion: While the assertion that GDX underperformance since the 2011 all-time high justifies avoiding Gold, I think the premise does not consider all the evidence. Most important was the 2022 hit, which drove GDX down over -2.5 times more than GLD. That had less to do with Gold’s prospects than it did with general bear market panic.

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Former President Donald Trump’s campaign called out a veiled dig at running mate, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, made by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz at the Democratic National Convention. 

Walz, who formally accepted the Democratic vice presidential nomination Wednesday night, addressed the United Center in Chicago by speaking of his upbringing in the Midwest. 

‘Now, I grew up in Butte, Nebraska, a town of 400 people. I had 24 kids in my high school class, and none of them went to Yale,’ Walz said, prompting laughter from the audience. ‘But I’ll tell you what. Growing up in a small town like that, you’ll learn how to take care of each other. That that family down the road, they may not think like you do. They may not pray like you do. They may not love like you do. But they’re your neighbors. And you look out for them, and they look out for you.’

The Trump War Room X account posted a clip of Walz’s remark about Yale, where Vance attended law school.

‘Walz: ‘I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of them went to Yale,’’ Trump War Room noted, adding, ‘Weird flex!’ 

Vance is the author of ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ a memoir about his time as a Yale Law School student reflecting on growing up in Appalachia that was adapted into a Netflix film. In his debut as Trump’s running mate at the Republican National Convention, Vance was open about being raised by his grandmother, whom he described as tough and keeping him away from drugs, and who would barter with the Meals on Wheels volunteers to help feed him growing up. Vance, credited for appealing to working-class Midwesterners in the Rust Belt, also spoke of his mother’s long battle with addiction. She is now nearly 10 years sober. 

Vance enlisted in the Marine Corps right after graduating from high school in Middletown, Ohio. He attended Ohio State University and later Yale Law School. 

Fox News host Martha MacCallum asked Vance to respond to Walz’s reference to Yale, suggesting he was deeming Vance ‘Mr. Fancypants Ivy League.’ 

‘I grew up in a very poor family. I was raised by my grandmother who didn’t graduate from high school, much less from college,’ Vance responded. ‘And I am proud of the fact that she really worked her tail off – she went to her grave fighting to give me opportunities. I’m not ashamed of the fact that my grandmother sacrificed for me, and I was able to live the American Dream. I’m proud of what I accomplished, and, more importantly, I’m proud of all the people who sacrificed in order to give me a better life.’

‘I would think Tim Walz would want to praise people who sacrificed to give their children and grandchildren a better life, not put me down, but I guess this is the political order of the day,’ Vance added. ‘He’s going to attack me. That’s fine. But I’m proud of my family. I’m proud of what they sacrificed to make my life possible.’ 

Walz, by comparison, enlisted in the Army National Guard at age 17 and served for 24 years. 

He has faced recent ‘stolen valor’ attacks from fellow veterans for reportedly opting to retire to run for Congress, while his unit went to Afghanistan months later. 

According to his congressional biography, Walz earned a Bachelor of Science from Chadron State College in Nebraska. The former Minnesota high school teacher is not without Ivy League ties himself. He spent 1989-1990 teaching high school in China as part of a group of government-sanctioned American educators sent to the communist country through a program at Harvard University. 

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

In this exclusive StockCharts TV video, Joe shows how to use RSI in multiple timeframes to identify the next buying opportunity in the SPY. He explains why he thinks this rally is important and uses the ADX on the daily to distinguish between the strength in different indices. Joe also shows how he moves quickly around ACP and discusses some valuable sector action in the process. Finally, he goes through the symbol requests that came through, including NVDA, GOOGL, and more.

This video was originally published on August 21, 2024. Click this link to watch on StockCharts TV.

Archived videos from Joe are available at this link. Send symbol requests to; you can also submit a request in the comments section below the video on YouTube. Symbol Requests can be sent in throughout the week prior to the next show.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., started her address on the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Wednesday by briefly praising President Biden – despite reportedly helping to orchestrate his exit from the presidential race. 

‘On Jan. 20, 2021, with the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we established one of the most successful presidencies of modern times,’ Pelosi said. ‘And we quickly proved that Democrats deliver – millions of jobs, stronger infrastructure and rural broadband.’ 

‘A Biden child tax credit, rescuing human pensions, honoring our veterans, bold climate action, lowering the cost of prescription drugs all thanks to President Biden’s patriotic vision of a fairer America. Doing so with liberty and justice for all,’ she said before adding, ‘Thank you, Joe.’ 

Pelosi then shifted from the current president and championed Vice President Kamala Harris for ‘quickly securing the nomination with dignity and grace.’ 

Biden ended his re-election campaign on July 21 and immediately endorsed Harris’ presidential candidacy. This came after weeks of defections from Democratic lawmakers who implored him to withdraw from the presidential race following his rough performance in the Atlanta debate against the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump. Despite some reporting that Pelosi had coordinated the effort to force Biden to drop out, Democrats at the convention – including Pelosi – have insisted that Biden was the one ‘who made the decision for the country.’ 

Harris secured enough delegates to become the presidential nominee on Aug. 1 during a virtual roll call conducted by the Democratic National Committee two weeks before the start of the party’s convention at the United Center in Chicago. Republicans, by contrast, did their roll call in person at their party’s convention in Milwaukee.

‘I know that Vice President Harris is ready to take us to new heights. I’ve known Kamala Harris for decades. Personally, I know her a person of deep faith, which is reflected in her community care and service,’ Pelosi said Wednesday, before also championing Harris’ record on abortion. ‘Officially, she is a leader of strength and wisdom and eloquence on policy, most recently demonstrated fighting for a woman’s right to choose. Politically, she is astute and strategic, and winning difficult elections, quickly securing the nomination with dignity and grace, and choosing Tim Walz as our vice president.’ 

As for Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Pelosi said she had the honor of serving with him in Congress for 12 years. 

‘He united Democrats, Republicans and independents to turn a red district blue. He showed courage when he came to Congress and voting for the Affordable Care Act, meeting the needs of his constituents despite Republicans’ lies and misrepresentation,’ Pelosi said. ‘When he went home, won the election, he returned to Congress. He fought for our America’s heroes as the Democratic leader of the Veterans Affairs Committee. Thank you, Tim.’ 

Pelosi, who was serving as speaker of the House on Jan. 6, 2021, brought up the riot at the Capitol, decrying it as a ‘perilous moment for our democracy’ and placed blame on Trump – though without mentioning the Republican presidential nominee by name. 

Pelosi also called on the Democrats to ‘reject autocracy, choose democracy’ by voting for Harris and Walz. 

‘Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on January 6. He did,’ she said of Trump. ‘But let us not forget who saved democracy that day. We did. And thank God we had a Democratic House of Representatives then. We returned to the Capitol that very same night. We insisted on certifying the election results on the floors of the House and the Senate. And we demonstrated to America and to the world that American democracy prevailed.’ 

‘The parable of January 6th reminds us that our democracy is only as strong as the courage and commitment of those entrusted with its care and we must choose leaders who believe in free and fair elections, who respect the peaceful transfer of power,’ Pelosi said. ‘The choice couldn’t be clearer. Those leaders are Vice President Harris and Governor Walz.’ 

Fox News’ Alexander Hall contributed to this report. 

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

Legendary talk show host Oprah Winfrey made a surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, when she slammed former President Trump and his vice president 24 years after she suggested he would make a good president.

‘We know all the old tricks and tropes that are designed to distract us from what actually matters,’ Winfrey told the crowd at the United Center. ‘But we are beyond ridiculous tweets and lies and foolery. These are complicated times, people, and they require adult conversation. And I welcome those conversations because civilized debate is vital to democracy, and it is the best of America.’

In another veiled shot at Trump, Winfrey said, ‘Now, there’s a certain candidate that says if we just go to the polls this one time, that we’ll never have to do it again. Well, you know what? You’re looking at a registered independent who’s proud to vote again and again and again because I’m an American. And that’s what Americans do. Voting is the best of America.’

Winfrey also took aim at Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance, who faced criticism over comments about ‘childless cat ladies.’

‘When a house is on fire, we don’t ask about the homeowners’ race or religion,’ Winfrey said. ‘We don’t wonder who their partner is or how they voted no. We just try to do the best we can to save them. And if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady. Well, we try to get that cat out too. Cause we are a country of people who work hard for the money. We wish our brothers and sisters well. And we pray for peace.’

Shortly after Winfrey criticized him, the Trump campaign posted a thank-you letter Winfrey wrote in 2000 suggesting that he would be a good president.

‘Too bad we’re not running for office,’ Winfrey wrote. ‘What a team!’

‘I might have thought it back then,’ Winfrey said in a 2023 interview. ‘I might have thought it 23 years ago.’

Oprah told the crowd in Chicago that she is ‘telling the truth’ when she says ‘values and character matter.’

‘Most of all,’ Winfrey said, ‘in leadership and in life, you know, this is true, that decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024. And, and just plain common sense over loyalty to any individual.’

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

CHICAGO — Vice President Harris will formally accept the Democrat presidential nomination Thursday night in a historic moment after President Biden won the 2024 Democrat primaries but later suspended his campaign due to internal party pressure. 

Harris is expected to address the Democratic National Convention (DNC) during a primetime Thursday night address. 

By the end of the night, the Democrat presidential ticket will be solidified with Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and then it will be off to the general election against Republican nominee former President Trump and his VP pick, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio. 

Harris delivered surprise remarks on Monday night to kick off the DNC in Chicago, praising Biden and saying ‘we are forever grateful to him.’ 

‘Joe, thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation and for all you will continue to do,’ Harris said Monday. ‘We are forever grateful to you. Thank you, Joe.’

Harris said Democrats are ‘united by our shared vision for the future of our country.’

‘And this November, we will come together and declare with one voice as one people, we are moving forward,’ she said Monday. ‘With optimism, hope and faith so guided by our love of country, knowing we all have so much more in common than what separates us, let us fight for the ideals we hold dear and let us always remember when we fight, we win.’

Just over a month ago, Biden was considered the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, having won each primary race. 

However, after a disastrous debate performance against Trump in June, Democrats mounted a pressure campaign for Biden to suspend his re-election bid.

Biden eventually gave in and dropped out of the race. He swiftly endorsed Harris, his vice president, to take his place as the Democrat nominee.

Biden addressed the convention Monday night and handed the reins of the party to Harris.

Speaking in front of the jam-packed United Center arena, the president declared, ‘America, I gave my best to you.’ 

‘Selecting Kamala was the very first decision I made before I became, when I became our nominee, and it was the best decision I made my whole career,’ Biden said. ‘She’s tough, she’s experienced, and she has enormous integrity, enormous integrity.’

He added, ‘Her story represents the best American story.’

He then asked the crowd, ‘Are you ready to vote for freedom? Are you ready to vote for democracy and for America? Let me ask you, are you ready to elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for president and vice president of the United States?’

Harris has spent the week campaigning, holding events across the country. She also unveiled her first big-ticket proposal to raise revenues this week, upping the corporate tax rate.

The Harris campaign said the vice president is proposing to raise the rate that major businesses pay from 21% to 28%, describing it as a ‘fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share.’

The announcement this week comes as Harris is beginning to offer details on how she would govern if she is elected president and how she would try to pay for expensive ideas she proposed last week, including expanding the child tax credit, easing the cost of homeownership and lowering medical debt.

Meanwhile, ahead of Harris’ formal acceptance of the Democrat presidential nomination, the vice president drew support from major Democrats – beyond Biden – and top Hollywood stars.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised Harris, invoking her famed ‘glass ceiling’ line.

‘On the other side of that glass ceiling is Kamala Harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the United States,’ said Clinton, who in 2016 became the first female to win a major party presidential nomination.  

Harris also drew praise from former President Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama and former President Clinton, among others.

Her husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, said he was ‘so proud of how you’re stepping up for all of us.’

‘That’s who she is. Whenever she’s needed, however she’s needed, Kamala rises to the occasion,’ Emhoff said. ‘She did it for me and our family. Now that the country needs her, she’s showing you what we already know: she’s ready to lead, she brings both joy and toughness to this task, and she will be a great president who we will all be proud of.’

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

‘Star Wars’ actor Mark Hamill is among the big names in Chicago this week to celebrate Vice President Kamala Harris formally accepting the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week.

Hamill told Fox News Digital on the way to a VIP event on Tuesday evening that he is ‘very confident’ Harris will beat former President Trump in November.

The Hollywood star, known best for playing Luke Skywalker in the science-fiction saga, briefly chatted with fans and media and stopped to take photos with Democrat fans in attendance.

When asked what he thought of President Biden’s Monday evening farewell speech, Hamill said, ‘I’m speechless. It was fantastic.’

Hamill has long been one of Biden’s most high-profile supporters and an active critic of Republican presidential nominee former President Trump.

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison posted a TikTok video alongside Hamill on the first night of the convention where the actor invoked his ‘Star Wars’ past.

‘In the movies, I fought against make-believe evil. But we’re at a time in history where we’re fighting against real evil,’ Hamill said. ‘So, I beg you, please don’t go to the orange side.’

It was followed by Harrison posing with a blue lightsaber.

Hamill shared the video on X and wrote, ‘My message to Jaime Harrison: The Force is strong with [the Harris-Walz campaign] & the Democratic Party…My message to MAGA: Go FORCE Yourself.’

The actor notably defended Biden in the days after his disastrous performance in the late June presidential debate on CNN, which eventually precipitated Biden’s ouster by fellow Democrats worried he would lose to Trump in November.

‘One off night doesn’t change the fact that [Biden] is the most legislatively successful [U.S. president] in our lifetime. One off night also doesn’t change the fact that the former guy is a convicted felon, serial liar & adjudicated rapist who is unfit for ANY office. Period,’ Hamill wrote on X.

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The Trump campaign distributed a letter Thursday from dozens of veterans serving in Congress hitting back at Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz over claims of ‘stolen valor.’

Journalists were handed the letter condemning Walz, as the Minnesota governor has battled back against questions about the timing of his retirement from military service. In an announcement of the letter, the Trump campaign dinged the Democrat as ‘Freakish Timothy.’

Walz, who joined the Nebraska National Guard as a teenager and also later served for Minnesota, met his 20-year requirement in 2001.

During that time, he was reportedly deployed to arctic Norway, before reenlisting after 9/11. He was also deployed to Italy to supplant other troops being shifted to Afghanistan, according to NPR.

Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance, the senator from Ohio, and others have criticized Walz for retiring only months before his unit was deployed to Iraq in 2005.

The letter was led by retired Army sergeant Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., and signed by other servicemembers-turned-lawmakers including Sens. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, Roger Marshall, R-Kan., Rick Scott, R-Fla., Roger Wicker, R-Miss., Reps. Brian Babin, R-Texas, Jennifer Kiggans, R-Va., Jim Banks, R-Ind., Greg Lopez, R-Calif., Cory Mills, R-Fla., Scott Perry, R-Pa., Barry Moore, R-Ala., Jack Bergman, R-Mich., and Don Bacon, R-Neb.

In the letter, the lawmakers call the office of vice president ‘a position that requires the trust of the American people and a solemn commitment to duty on behalf of the United States of America.’

‘As veterans who have served our nation, we feel compelled to address your egregious misrepresentations and urge you to come clean to the American people.’

Going on to reference allegations of stolen valor, the letter continues:

‘You have stated you are ‘damn proud’ of your service, and like any American veteran should be. But there is no honor in lying about the nature of your service. Repeatedly claiming to be a ‘retired command sergeant major’ when you did not complete the requirements was not honorable.’

‘Nor was it honorable to claim to carry weapons ‘in war’ when you had not served in war, and abandoning the men and women under your leadership just as they were getting ready to deploy was certainly not honorable either.’

The letter closes with a collective vote of no confidence for Walz:

‘… Until you admit you lied to [America’s veterans], there is no way you can be trusted to serve as vice president.’

At a separate press conference, Mast noted how Steve Nikoui – father of a Marine killed in President Joe Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal – became so angry and frustrated that he shouted out during this year’s State of the Union.

Mast added that Vice President Kamala Harris went along with the Afghanistan plan and praised it herself.

‘Because, not only has Biden gone through now four years and not said a word [about] Afghanistan, he has never said his son’s name. He’s never said any of the 13 servicemembers’ names.’

‘It’s one thing to lose your men or women in combat, that happens, but to lose it due to incompetence and to literally idiotic and asinine decision-making out of that White House is something we as a veterans community, and certainly me, as long as I’m in this position and I have a breath, will never let them forget. and [Harris] owns it.’

‘She owns it. She was proud of it. She bragged about it.’ 

Fox News Digital reached out to Vance for further comment on the letter, as he had previously critiqued Walz on the matter and also served in uniform.

William Martin, a spokesman for Vance, said veterans nationwide are ‘furious with Tim Walz’ lies about his military record.’

‘Even Walz’ superior office and the chaplain of his regiment have explicitly condemned his decision to abandon his unit when they were deployed to Iraq,’ Martin said.

He added Walz has the opportunity Thursday night to apologize for ‘years of stolen valor’ during his scheduled DNC speech.

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A new nationwide survey highlighted in a Wall Street Journal opinion editorial found that most Americans don’t support sweeping changes to the Supreme Court, despite President Joe Biden’s last-minute push for such a measure. 

The WSJ cited a Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy survey that found that ‘support for the separation of powers just as many of the speakers at this week’s Democratic National Convention seek to undermine it.’

President Biden, after abruptly leaving the presidential race a month ago, endorsed legislation that would impose term limits for justices, among other things, that would drastically alter the makeup of the high court. His plan is also of questionable constitutionality.

According to the Journal, the Mason-Dixon poll found that after asking likely voters if they ‘support or oppose amending the U.S. Constitution to change the structure of the U.S. Supreme Court,’ that 52% of them oppose the idea, while 41% of likely voters support the idea of amending the constitution to change the court’s structure.

Noting that for ‘over 150 years, the United States Supreme Court has had nine justices’ and that court-packing ‘is generally defined as increasing the number of Supreme Court seats, primarily to alter the ideological balance of the court,’ the poll asked respondents if they agree with ‘court-packing.’

Only 34% supported such a plan, while 59% opposed and 7% of likely voters were undecided.

The poll also found that an overwhelming number of voters supported this statement: ‘Plans to expand the membership of the U.S. Supreme Court are primarily motivated by political objectives.’

Additionally, a full 87% of likely voters — including 84% of Democrats — agree with the following statement: ‘An independent judiciary is a crucial safeguard of our civil liberties.’

Democrats in Congress, in conjunction with the White House, have pushed to make radical changes to the high court.

And Democrats at the Democratic National Convention this week have already leveled attacks against the high court. 

Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow falsely claimed that the Supreme Court has made Trump ‘completely immune from prosecution’ in its presidential immunity decision.

‘Sadly, such poisonous attacks on the highest court are likely to be a staple of this week’s convention,’ the Wall Street Journal wrote about the comment. ‘Thank goodness most Americans still don’t endorse them, according to the new Mason-Dixon poll commissioned by the First Liberty Institute, which advocates for religious freedom.’

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